Package to easily access the new api of osu!
osu-api-v2-js is a JavaScript & TypeScript package that helps you interact with osu!api (v2).
You can find this package's documentation on osu-v2.taevas.xyz if needed!
How to install and get started
Before installing, if using Node.js, check if you're running version 18 or above:
node -v # displays your version of node.js
Then to install the package, use a command from your package manager:
npm i osu-api-v2-js # if using npm
yarn add osu-api-v2-js # if using yarn
pnpm add osu-api-v2-js # if using pnpm
bun a osu-api-v2-js # if using bun
You will want to create your own OAuth application: https://osu.ppy.sh/home/account/edit#oauth To use (import) the package in your project and start interacting with the API, you may do something like that:
// TypeScript
import * as osu from "osu-api-v2-js"
async function logUserTopPlayBeatmap(username: string) {
// It's more convenient to use `osu.API.createAsync()` instead of `new osu.API()` as it doesn't require you to directly provide an access_token!
// In a proper application, you'd use this function as soon as the app starts so you can use that object everywhere
// (or if it acts as a user, you'd use this function at the end of the authorization flow)
const api = await osu.API.createAsync("<client_id>", "<client_secret>") // with id as a number
const user = await api.getUser(username) // We need to get the id of the user in order to request what we want
const score = (await api.getUserScores(user, "best", osu.Ruleset.osu, {lazer: false}, {limit: 1}))[0] // Specifying the Ruleset is optional
const beatmapDifficulty = await api.getBeatmapDifficultyAttributesOsu(score.beatmap, score.mods) // Specifying the mods so the SR is adapted to them
const x = `${score.beatmapset.artist} - ${score.beatmapset.title} [${score.beatmap.version}]`
const y = `+${score.mods.map((m) => m.acronym).toString()} (${beatmapDifficulty.star_rating.toFixed(2)}*)`
console.log(`${username}'s top play is on: ${x} ${y}`)
// Doomsday fanboy's top play is on: Erio o Kamattechan - os-Uchuujin(Asterisk Makina Remix) [Mattress Actress] +DT,CL (8.85*)
logUserTopPlayBeatmap("Doomsday fanboy")
Authorization flow
A simple guide on how to do extra fancy stuff
The part where the user says they're okay with using your application
If your application is meant to act on behalf of a user after they've clicked on a button to say they consent to your application identifying them and reading public data on their behalf and some other stuff maybe, then things will work differently
Let's take it step by step! First, this package comes with generateAuthorizationURL()
, which will generate for you a link so users can click on it and allow your application to do stuff on their behalf
This function requires you to specify scopes... well, just know that identify
is always implicitly specified, that public
is almost always implicitly required, and that functions that require other scopes are explicit about it!
Please note: It is the user who ultimately decides which scopes they allow, so you can't assume they allowed all the scopes you specified...
Thankfully though, you can check at any time the allowed scopes with the scopes
property of your api
The part where your application hears the user when the user says okay
The user clicked your link and authorized your application! ...Now what?
When a user authorizes your application, they get redirected to your Application Callback URL
with a huge code as a GET parameter (the name of the parameter is code
), and it is this very code that will allow you to proceed with the authorization flow! So make sure that somehow, you retrieve this code!
With this code, you're able to create your api
const api = await osu.API.createAsync("<client_id>", "<client_secret>", {code: "<code>", redirect_uri: "<application_callback_url>"})
The part where you make it so your application works without the user saying okay every 2 minutes
Congrats on making your api
object! Now you should do something in order to not lose it, or not need a new one in order to request more data!
Do note that your api
object has lots of practical properties: user
allows you to know which user it acts on behalf of, expires
allows you to know when your requests with your current access_token
will fail, and refresh_token
is your key to getting a new access_token
without asking the user again!
Although, you should not need to access them often, because your api
object has a function to use that refresh token which you can call at any given time, and by default, the object will call that function on its own right before the expiration date or when a request seems to fail because of the access_token
being invalid! (those are features you can deactivate if needed)
Your refresh_token
can actually also expire at a (purposefully) unknown time, so depending of how your application works, you could use it at some point around the date of expiration, or you could throw away your api
object while waiting for a user to start the authorization flow again
Reading all incoming messages
// TypeScript
import * as osu from "osu-api-v2-js"
import * as http from "http"
import { exec } from "child_process"
// This should be from an application registered on https://osu.ppy.sh/home/account/edit#oauth
const id = "<client_id>" // as a number
const secret = "<client_secret>"
const redirect_uri = "<application_callback_url>" // assuming localhost with any port for convenience
// Because we need to act as an authenticated user, we need to go through the authorization procedure
// This function largely takes care of it by itself
async function getCode(authorization_url: string): Promise<string> {
// Open a temporary server to receive the code when the browser is sent to the redirect_uri after confirming authorization
const httpserver = http.createServer()
const host = redirect_uri.substring(redirect_uri.indexOf("/") + 2, redirect_uri.lastIndexOf(":"))
const port = Number(redirect_uri.substring(redirect_uri.lastIndexOf(":") + 1).split("/")[0])
httpserver.listen({host, port})
// Open the browser to the page on osu!web where you click a button to say you authorize your application
console.log("Waiting for code...")
const command = (process.platform == "darwin" ? "open" : process.platform == "win32" ? "start" : "xdg-open")
exec(`${command} "${authorization_url}"`)
// Check the URL for a `code` GET parameter, get it if it's there
const code: string = await new Promise((resolve) => {
httpserver.on("request", (request, response) => {
if (request.url) {
console.log("Received code!")
response.end("Worked! You may now close this tab.", "utf-8")
httpserver.close() // Close the temporary server as it is no longer needed
resolve(request.url.substring(request.url.indexOf("code=") + 5))
return code
async function readChat() {
// Somehow get the code so the application can read the messages as your osu! user
const url = osu.generateAuthorizationURL(id, redirect_uri, ["public", "chat.read"]) // "chat.read" is 100% needed in our case
const code = await getCode(url)
const api = await osu.API.createAsync(id, secret, {code, redirect_uri}, {verbose: "errors"})
// Get a WebSocket object to interact with and get messages from
const socket = api.generateWebSocket()
// Tell the server you want to know whenever there's are chat messages
socket.on("open", () => {
socket.send(osu.WebSocket.Command.chatStart) // osu.WebSocket.Command.chatStart is simply JSON.stringify({event: "chat.start"}) but easier to remember
setInterval(() => api.keepChatAlive(), 30 * 1000) // Tell the server every 30 seconds that you're still listening to the incoming messages
// Listen for chat messages (and other stuff)
socket.on("message", (m) => { // Mind you, "message" doesn't mean "chat message" here, it's more like a raw event
const parsed: osu.WebSocket.Event.Any = JSON.parse(m.toString())
if (!parsed.event) { // Should only mean we've gotten an error message
throw new Error((parsed as osu.WebSocket.Event.Error).error) // Assertion in case of false positive TS2339 error at build time
} else if (parsed.event === "chat.message.new") { // Filter out things that aren't new chat messages and get type safety
const message = parsed.data.messages.map((message) => message.content).join(" | ")
const user = parsed.data.users.map((user) => user.username).join(" | ")
console.log(`${user}: ${message}`)
Above is the code I've written to listen to incoming chat messages by using the API's WebSocket!
Using the WebSocket namespace this package provides, it's relatively easy to send commands (anything under osu.WebSocket.Command
) and you can have 100% type safety with events (anything under osu.Websocket.Event
) simply by checking what the event
property is! With that, anything in the data
property is yours to play with!
Calling the functions, but literally
This package's functions can be accessed both through the api object and through namespaces! It essentially means that for convenience's sake, there are two ways to do anything:
// Obtaining a match, assuming an `api` object already exists and everything from the package is imported as `osu`
const match_1 = await api.getMatch(103845156) // through the api object
const match_2 = await osu.Multiplayer.Match.getOne.call(api, 103845156) // through the namespaces
// `match_1` and `match_2` are the same, because they're essentially using the same function!
// The same, but for obtaining multiple lazer updates
const builds_1 = await api.getChangelogBuilds("lazer")
const builds_2 = await osu.Changelog.Build.getMultiple.call(api, "lazer")
// `build_1` and `build_2` are also the same!
As you may have noticed, when calling the functions through the namespaces, instead of doing something like getOne()
, we instead do getOne.call()
and use the call() method in order to provide a this
value; the api object!
Of course, using the apply() method would also work, so just do things the way you prefer or the way that is more intuitive to you!
Implemented endpoints
Beatmap Packs
- [x]
GET /beatmaps/packs
-> getBeatmapPacks() - [x]
GET /beatmaps/packs/{pack}
-> getBeatmapPack()
- [x]
GET /beatmaps/lookup
-> lookupBeatmap() - [x]
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores/users/{user}
-> getBeatmapUserScore() - [x]
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores/users/{user}/all
-> getBeatmapUserScores() - [x]
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores
-> getBeatmapScores() - [x]
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/solo-scores
-> getBeatmapSoloScores() - [x]
GET /beatmaps
-> getBeatmaps() - [x]
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}
-> getBeatmap() - [x]
POST /beatmaps/{beatmap}/attributes
-> getBeatmapDifficultyAttributes()
Beatmapset Discussions
- [x]
GET /beatmapsets/discussions/posts
-> getBeatmapsetDiscussionPosts() - [x]
GET /beatmapsets/discussions/votes
-> getBeatmapsetDiscussionVotes() - [x]
GET /beatmapsets/discussions
-> getBeatmapsetDiscussions()
- [x]
GET /beatmapsets/search
-> searchBeatmapset() - [x]
GET /beatmapsets/lookup
-> lookupBeatmapset() - [x]
GET /beatmapsets/{beatmapset}
-> getBeatmapset() - [x]
GET /beatmapsets/events
-> getBeatmapsetEvents()
- [x]
GET /changelog/{stream}/{build}
-> getChangelogBuild() - [x]
GET /changelog
-> getChangelogBuilds() / getChangelogStreams() (removingsearch
, puttingbuilds
behind getChangelogBuilds(), andstreams
behind getChangelogStreams()) - [x]
GET /changelog/{changelog}
-> lookupChangelogBuild()
- [x]
POST /chat/ack
-> keepChatAlive() - [x]
POST /chat/new
-> sendChatPrivateMessage() - [x]
GET /chat/channels/{channel}/messages
-> getChatMessages() - [x]
POST /chat/channels/{channel}/messages
-> sendChatMessage() - [x]
PUT /chat/channels/{channel}/users/{user}
-> joinChatChannel() - [x]
DELETE /chat/channels/{channel}/users/{user}
-> leaveChatChannel() - [x]
PUT /chat/channels/{channel}/mark-as-read/{message}
-> markChatChannelAsRead() - [x]
GET /chat/channels
-> getChatChannels() - [x]
POST /chat/channels
-> createChatPrivateChannel() / createChatAnnouncementChannel() - [x]
GET /chat/channels/{channel}
-> getChatChannel() (withoutusers
would already have this property)
- [x]
GET /comments
-> getComments() - [x]
GET /comments/{comment}
-> getComment()
- [x]
GET /events
-> getEvents()
- [x]
POST /forums/topics/{topic}/reply
-> replyForumTopic() - [x]
POST /forums/topics
-> createForumTopic() - [x]
GET /forums/topics/{topic}
-> getForumTopicAndPosts() (removingsearch
for simplicity) - [x]
PUT /forums/topics/{topic}
-> editForumTopicTitle() - [x]
PUT /forums/posts/{post}
-> editForumPost()
- [x]
GET /search
-> searchUser() / searchWiki()
- [x]
GET /matches
-> getMatches() - [x]
GET /matches/{match}
-> getMatch()
- [x]
GET /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores
-> getPlaylistItemScores() - [x]
GET /rooms
-> getRooms() - [x]
GET /rooms/{room}
-> getRoom() - [x]
GET /rooms/{room}/leaderboard
-> getRoomLeaderboard()
- [x]
GET /news
-> getNewsPosts() (removing everything exceptnews_sidebar.news_posts
) - [x]
GET /news/{news}
-> getNewsPost()
- [x]
GET /rankings/kudosu
-> getKudosuRanking() - [x]
GET /rankings/{mode}/{type}
-> getUserRanking() / getCountryRanking() / getSpotlightRanking() - [x]
GET /spotlights
-> getSpotlights()
- [x]
GET /me/{mode?}
-> getResourceOwner() - [x]
GET /users/{user}/kudosu
-> getUserKudosu() - [x]
GET /users/{user}/scores/{type}
-> getUserScores() - [x]
GET /users/{user}/beatmapsets/{type}
-> getUserBeatmaps() / getUserMostPlayed() - [x]
GET /users/{user}/recent_activity
-> getUserRecentActivity() - [x]
GET /users/{user}/{mode?}
-> getUser() - [x]
GET /users
-> getUsers() - [x]
GET /friends
-> getFriends()
- [x]
GET /wiki/{locale}/{path}
-> getWikiPage()
Misc Undocumented Stuff
- [x]
GET /seasonal-backgrounds
-> getSeasonalBackgrounds() - [x]
GET /scores/{score}/download
-> getReplay()