Aliyun OSS node.js SDK and Command-Line Tool
#OSS OSS is a node.js SDK and Command-Line Tool for Aliyun OSS
#Support API
- service operation
- bucket operation
- object operation
- multipart upload operation
- object group operation
more api infomations you can see oss_api
npm install oss
all api functions have the same style as showed below
you can configue the options object to make your oss request , it is really simple !!!
#Command Line
first you must configure the key.js file to add your access_id and access_key
then put oss/bin/ to your system PATH then you can use oss command line directly
type oss -h you can get the help infomation showed below
you can visit test file to get more examples
#Some Features
- compress upload
when put object you can set options gzip : true to use compress upload
- upload_objects_by_dir
you can upload local dir files to oss
local dir path support relative path and absolute path of course
- sync_local_dir
similar to upload_objects_by_dir the differene is the dir will also be created in oss