A simple object based interface to SQL data sources.
A simple object based interface to SQL data sources. Maybe this will evolve into an ORM in the future, but probably not as there are some great ORMs for none-mssql databases available already, and I'm not going to be doing enough with mssql to justify creating one.
The other nice thing this exposes is a wrapper for restify, to enable you to create REST routes for your given tables.
This project is simply designed to make interaction with SQL database tables a little simpler, in a nice when
promise based library.
Currently supported drivers are:
- sqlite3
- mssql
The language syntax used in the "many" statements below, that is used to generate the sql required is https://github.com/hiddentao/squel.
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install osql
and then one of the following drivers:
npm install sqlite3
npm install mssql
var osql = require('osql');
var db = new osql.Database('sqlite3', ':memory:');
var osql = require('osql');
var db = new osql.Database('mssql', {
user: 'example_user',
password: 'example_user_password',
server: '',
database: 'example_database'
Once you've got you db object and driver, define a table and start manipulating it:
var table = new osql.Table({
table: 'example_table',
identity: 'id', // Optional
database: db
Inserting a Single Row, presuming the identity is auto generated
column1: 'value'
}).then(function(model) {
// model.id will be set to the inserted identity
Inserting a Single Row where you set the identity
id: id,
column1: 'value'
}).then(function(model) {
// done
Inserting a bunch of records, with a single insert statement
{ column1: 'val1'},
{ column1: 'val2'}
]).then(function() {
// done
Selecting a single row from the table
.then(function(model) {
// done
Selecting mutliple rows from the table using squel syntax
.where('id > ?', 0)
.then(function(models) {
// done
Updating a single row from the table
table.update(rowId, {
column1: 'updated value'
.then(function(model) {
// done
Updating mutliple rows from the table using squel syntax
column1: 'updated value'
.where('id > ?', 0)
.then(function() {
// done
Deleting a single row from the table
.then(function() {
// done
Deleting mutliple rows from the table using squel syntax
.where('id > ?', 0)
.then(function() {
// done
To make life even easier, you can wrap a restify server with a table object, which will in turn expose the rest routes.
NOTE: This is NOT a complete solution, i've done a quick pragmatic implementation to enable an on going project.
// Create your restify server
var server = require('restify').createServer({
name: 'osql-rest',
version: '1.0.0'
// Define your table
var table = new osql.Table({
table: 'example_table',
identity: 'id',
database: db
// Wrap the server
table.wrap('/api', server);
// Profit
server.listen(port, done);
From there, you will get a bunch of URLs exposed on the server:
POST /api/example_table // Create an entity
GET /api/example_table // Get all entities
GET /api/example_table/id // Get a single entity by id
GET /api/example_table/id/field // Get a field from a single entity by id
PUT /api/example_table/id // Update an entity by id
DELETE /api/example_table/id // Delete an entity by id
Have a look in test/rest.test.js to see how to query it using Restler
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
- 0.1.0 Initial release
- 0.1.1-2 Bug fixes
- 0.1.3 Encapsulation bug fix, inserting of an object returns new instance of object with id
- 0.1.4 Bug fix
- 0.1.5 underlying db is now exposed via the dal
- 0.1.6 Will now escape single quotes by default
- 0.1.7 Concurrency fix for insert + get ID statements
- 0.1.8 Dependency Updates
- 0.1.9 Fixed concurrency issues on INSERT + get ID
- 0.2.0 Fixed concurrency issues on MSSQL driver, as well as fixing an issue around IDENTITY_INSERT
- 0.2.1 Updated MSSQL to 1.2.1
- 0.2.2 table.options.identity is no longer a required paramter as tables dont always have identities
- 0.2.4 Version Bump
- 0.2.5 Changed a console warn to a log, so as not to break jenkins pipelines
- 0.3.0 REST wrapping for Restify
- 0.3.1 Updated dependencies
- 0.3.2 Stored proc work
- 0.4.0 Added callback support as well as promises
- 0.4.1 Fixed an unhandled rejection
Copyright (c) 2014 Karl Stoney
Licensed under the MIT license.