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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A usable example of JavaScript OAuth 2.0 with OpenStreetMap




build npm version


Easy authentication with OpenStreetMap over OAuth 2.0. See also:

Note that currently only supports OAuth2.0. OAuth1.0 is turned off. If you want the older version of this library that supports OAuth 1.0a (e.g. for a sister project that uses an older OSM-stack), use the v1 branch and pin your software to older release versions <2. Going forward, the v1 branch will receive limited attention.


Try it out now at:

Or you can run the demo locally by cloning this project, then run:

$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm start

This will start a local server on port 8080. Then open in a browser.


Use in Node

To install osm-auth as a dependency in your project:

$  npm install --save osm-auth

osm-auth is distributed in CJS and ESM module formats for maxmimum compatibility. (Read more about Javascript module formats)

const osmAuth = require('osm-auth').osmAuth;   // CJS named import
// or
import { osmAuth } from 'osm-auth';   // ESM named import

Use in Browsers

You can also use osm-auth directly in a web browser. A good way to do this is to fetch the "iife" bundle from the jsDelivr CDN, which can even deliver minified versions.

When you load this file in a <script> tag, you'll get a osmAuth global to use elsewhere in your scripts:

<script src=""></script>
// example here


Requires land.html to be accessible, or a page that does the same thing - calls an auth complete function - to be available.


This project is tested in supported node versions and modern browsers. We attempt to use JavaScript syntax that will work in legacy environments like ES5 or Internet Explorer, but offer no guarantee that it will work. If you're targeting an environment like this, you're probably already building your own bundle with something like Babel.

Registering an application


Register a new OAuth2.0 application on

  1. Go to your user page
  2. Click 'My Settings'
  3. Click 'OAuth 2 applications'
  4. At the bottom, 'Register new application'
  5. Fill in the form (keeping the Confidential application? checkbox unchecked) & submit
  6. Copy & Paste the client ID, redirect URI, and scope(s) into the osmAuth config object as below

👉 Important:

  • The "Redirect URIs" are URIs that OSM is allowed to redirect the user back to. You can supply multiple Redirect URIs separated by spaces, and change them later.
  • Redirect URIs must use https, except for, which may use http


var redirectPath = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;
var auth = osmAuth.osmAuth({
  client_id: "JWXSAzNp64sIRMStTnkhMRaMxSR964V4sFgn3KUZNTA",
  redirect_uri: redirectPath + "land.html",
  scope: "read_prefs",
  auto: true  // show a login form if the user is not authenticated and you try to do a call

document.getElementById("authenticate").onclick = function () {
  // Signed method call - since `auto` is true above, this will
  // automatically start an authentication process if the user isn't
  // authenticated yet.
  auth.xhr({ method: "GET", path: "/api/0.6/user/details" },
    function (err, result) {
      // result is an XML DOM containing the user details

Example with single-page

var redirectPath = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;
var auth = osmAuth.osmAuth({
  client_id: "JWXSAzNp64sIRMStTnkhMRaMxSR964V4sFgn3KUZNTA",
  redirect_uri: redirectPath,
  scope: "read_prefs", // scopes should be separated by a space, e.g. "read_prefs write_prefs". See for all scopes
  auto: true  // show a login form if the user is not authenticated and you try to do a call
  singlepage: true,

document.getElementById("authenticate").onclick = function () {
  // Signed method call - since `auto` is true above, this will
  // automatically start an authentication process if the user isn't
  // authenticated yet.
  auth.xhr({ method: "GET", path: "/api/0.6/user/details" },
    function (err, result) {
      // result is an XML DOM containing the user details

if ('&').some(p => p.startsWith('code='))) {
  auth.authenticate(function() {
    // Fully authed at this point



Constructs an osmAuth instance. At a minimum, options must contain OAuth2 client ID, redirect URI, and scope(s):

var redirectPath = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;
  client_id: "JWXSAzNp64sIRMStTnkhMRaMxSR964V4sFgn3KUZNTA",
  redirect_uri: redirectPath + "land.html",
  scope: "read_prefs"

Additional options are:

  • access_token - Can pre-authorize with an OAuth2 bearer token if you have one
  • apiUrl - A base url for the OSM API (default: "")
  • url - A base url for the OAuth2 handshake (default: "")
  • auto - If true, attempt to authenticate automatically when calling .xhr() or fetch() (default: false)
  • singlepage - If true, use page redirection instead of a popup (default: false)
  • loading - Function called when auth-related xhr calls start
  • done - Function called when auth-related xhr calls end


Removes any stored authentication tokens (legacy OAuth1 tokens too) Returns: self


Test whether the user is currently authenticated Returns: true if authenticated, false if not

.authenticate(callback, options?)

First logs out, then runs the authentiation flow, finally calls the callback. Param: callback An "errback"-style callback (err, result), called when complete Param: options Optional, an object which can contain switchUser. If switchUser is true, then the user will first be prompted to logout, then login, then go to the oauth flow. Returns: none


Promisified version of .authenticate() First logs out, then runs the authentication flow and resolves if successful, or rejects if not. Param: callback An "errback"-style callback (err, result), called when complete Param: options Optional, an object which can contain switchUser. If switchUser is true, then the user will first be prompted to logout, then login, then go to the oauth flow. Returns: Promise settled with whatever authenticate did.


Tries to bring an existing authentication popup to the front. Returns: true on success or false if there is no authentication popup or if it couldn't be brought to the front (e.g. because of cross-origin restrictions).

.bootstrapToken(auth_code, callback)

The authorization code is a temporary code that a client can exchange for an access token. If using this library in single-page mode, you'll need to call this once your application has an auth_code and wants to get an access_token. Param: auth_code The OAuth2 auth_code Param: callback An "errback"-style callback (err, result), called when complete Returns: none

.fetch(resource, options)

A fetch wrapper that includes the Authorization header if the user is authenticated. See: Param: resource Resource passed to fetch Param: options Options passed to fetch Return: Promise that wraps authenticateAsync then fetch

.xhr(options, callback)

A XMLHttpRequest wrapper that does authenticated calls if the user has logged in. See: Param: options: options.method Passed to (e.g. 'GET', 'POST') options.prefix If true path contains a path, if false path contains the full url options.path The URL path (e.g. "/api/0.6/user/details") (or full url, if prefix=false) options.content Passed to xhr.send options.headers optional Object containing request headers Param: callback An "errback"-style callback (err, result), called when complete Return: XMLHttpRequest if authenticated, otherwise null

rawxhr(method, url, access_token, data, headers, callback)

Creates the XMLHttpRequest set up with a header and response handling. See: Param: method Passed to (e.g. 'GET', 'POST') Param: url Passed to Param: access_token The OAuth2 bearer token Param: data Passed to xhr.send Param: headers Object containing request headers Param: callback An "errback"-style callback (err, result), called when complete Return: XMLHttpRequest


Pre-authorize this object, if we already have the bearer token from the start. Param: val Object containing access_token property Return: self


Options (getter / setter) If passed with no arguments, just return the options If passed an Object, set the options then attempt to pre-authorize Param: val? Object containing options Return: current options (if getting), or self (if setting)