Oshape is an opinionated way to build and shape components with React Hook.
Oshape ·
Oshape affords some helpful APIs and opinionated way to structure components with React Hook. Hook gives the ability to decouple the state management as a function from a component structure, then a pure function component not only plays view presentation but also equips with React lifecycle functions without HOC or props render. So a component can be considered as a function which
- has props as outside input
- keeps component logic by hooks, includes
- observed variable for the state,
- side effect functions for event handlers, HTTP request and response, and etc.
- element reference
- returns virtual nodes by
Oshape names the abstract logic after shape which consists of
- a state object, includes observe states
- a handle object, includes kinds of side effect functions and useful functions in the component scope
- a ref object, keeps element references
Actually, shape is a custom hook to define state and behaviors for an abstract component, which can be reused by other function component. Besides useState
and useReducer
, oshape provides a hook useObject
- avoid more renderings when to define multiple states by
- sets state of a object, more like
in component class; but be more simple thanuseReducer
When function component is becoming first class component, React.createElement
is a good option to create element tree. Oshape provides a more useful hyperscript function o()
to build component,
- accepts
string to use CSS library conveniently, likeo('span.spinner-border', o('span.sr-only', 'Loading...'))
- also apply
for a component, likeo`.mx-auto.mt-5`(Login)
npm install oshape
# Or by yarn
yarn add oshape
| peer-dependent on React v16.8
Example to shape component
// Component
export default function Login(props) {
const [state, handle, ref] = shapeLogin(props)
return o('.text-center', state.authenticated ? 'login successfully' :
o('form', [
o('label#label-username.sr-only[htmlFor=username]', 'User name'),
o('input#username.form-control[type=email][placeholder="User name"][required][autoFocus]', {ref: ref.username}),
o('label#label-password.sr-only[htmlFor=password]', 'Password'),
o('input#password.form-control[type=password][placeholder="Password"][required]', {ref: ref.password}),
o('button#login-submit.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block[type=submit]', {onClick: handle.submit},'Login in'),
// shape
export default function shapeLogin(props, context) {
const [state, setState] = useObject({
authenticated: false
const ref = {
username: useRef(null),
password: useRef(null),
const handle = useMemo(() => {
return {
login(username, password) {
return service.authenticate({username, password, csrfProtection: true}) // to mock `service.authenticate`
.then(rs => setState({authenticated: true}))
submit(e) {
if (!ref.username.current.value || !ref.password.current.value) return // fail to validate
handle.login(ref.username.current.value, ref.password.current.value)
}, [store])
return [state, handle, ref]