an intuitive module to help with cheerio web scraping related functions
This project meant to provide intuitive functions to use cheeriojs, without wasting time.
When to use this library
If you just want to make an automated program, for navigating to a website and click on buttons, fill forms etc... so you should only use os-puppeteer.
Else you want to analyze a DOM of a website more thoroughly, this is the library.
Installation and use
The cheerio helper works in hand with os-puppeteer. So you'll need to npm i it too.
Install via npm: npm i os-puppeteer-helper npm i os-cheerio-helper
Require ch and ph:
var ch = require("os-cheerio-helper")
var ph = require("os-puppeteer-helper")
Quick start
Create a browser:
let bt = await ph.createBrowser(url, slowMo = 5, headless = false, width = 1300, height = 768)
// save the page and the browser
let browser = bt[0];
let page = bt[1];
Scrape the DOM:
let dom = await ch.getCheerioDom(page);
Find an element by a selector:
let receiptContainerList = await ch.getElementFromDom(dom, "tbody[id='the-list'] tr");
Get the first element from a list of elements:
let firstContainer = await ch.getElementAt(receiptContainerList, 0)
Get text from element:
await ch.getTextFromElement(firstContainer)
Get other attribute value from element:
await ch.getAttributeValueFromCheerioEle(firstContainer, "class")
Tell the Puppeteer Helper to click on this element:
await ph.click(page, ch.getUniqueSelector(firstContainer));
Find an element from the DOM, carrying a specific text:
let divWithTxt = await ch.getElementByText(dom, "Hello World!")
Will wait for an element to change it's value (div with a "popup" class to change it's style from display="inline" to display="none" ):
await ch.waitForSelectorToChangeAttValue(page, selector="div.popup", att="style", val="display: none;", checkEach=2000)
Will loop on a 'select' element children ('option' tags) and look for a given text.
Optionally: if the text exists, will select it.
NOTICE: if you want to select the option, you need to supply a puppeteer helper instance, a page instance, and toggle the selectIfExists to true:
let selected = await ch.isSelectHasValue(selectElement, "black", true, ph, page);
And a lot more!
npm os-puppeteer-helper npm os-cheerio-helper