Higher-order component that can listen to Probe cursors for changes, and update the component whenever any cursor emit a change.
is a higher-order component that can listen to Probe cursors for changes, and re-renders the wrapped component whenever any cursor emits a change.
$ npm install --save orwell
const OrwellWrapped = orwell(Component, {
// any of these orwell lifecycle functions are optional
watchCursors(props, manual, context) {
const {cursor, otherCursor} = props;
// add validation step to decide to re-render OrwellWrapped
manual(function(update) {
const unsubscribe = otherCursor.on(event, function(newValue, oldValue) {
if(condition) {
// return a cleanup step; this will be called whenever OrwellWrapped unmounts
return unsubscribe;
// return an array of cursors to be observed.
// whenever these cursors emit an event, OrwellWrapped will re-render.
return [cursor];
// or return a single cursor directly; sugar to [cursor]
return cursor;
shouldRewatchCursors(props, context) {
// this is called whenever a subscribed cursor emits an event, or when the parent component renders.
// in the former case: props === this.props and context === this.context
// in the latter case: props === nextProps and context === nextContext (passed via parent component)
// these props and context are then passed to watchCursors(props, manual, context)
// return false by default
// if return true, then watchCursors(props, manual, context) is called with appropriate props and context.
assignNewProps(props, context) {
const {valueCursor} = props;
// return a plain object which will be merged with this.props (whenever a subscribed cursor emits)
// or nextProps (when the parent component renders).
return {
value: valueCursor.deref()
shouldAssignNewProps(props, context) {
// this is called whenever a subscribed cursor emits an event, or when the parent component renders.
// in the former case: props === this.props and context === this.context
// in the latter case: props === nextProps and context === nextContext (passed via parent component)
// these props and context are then passed to assignNewProps(props, context)
// returns true by default
// if return true, then watchCursors(props, manual, context) is called with appropriate props and context.
// static methods
// set custom shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState).
// returns same wrapped component
const OrwellWrapped2 = OrwellWrapped.shouldComponentUpdate(customShouldComponentUpdate);
// sets shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) to perform shallow equal on props.
// any two Probe cursors it compares are compared as currentProbe.deref() === nextProbe.deref()
// returns same wrapped component
const OrwellWrapped3 = OrwellWrapped.shallow();
// sets shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) to perform deep equal on props.
// any two Probe cursors it compares are compared as currentProbe.deref() === nextProbe.deref()
// returns same wrapped component
const OrwellWrapped4 = OrwellWrapped.deep();
// inject object to be merged with component spec of the OrwellWrapped component
// returns newly wrapped component
const OrwellWrapped4 = OrwellWrapped.inject({
// the only time to do this is passing `contextTypes` to access `context` from the orwell lifecycle methods
contextTypes: {
context: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
// enable debug mode
// returns same wrapped component
const OrwellWrapped5 = OrwellWrapped.debug();
const OrwellWrapped6 = OrwellWrapped.debug(true); // enable
const OrwellWrapped7 = OrwellWrapped.debug(false); // disable
By default, orwell
uses a shouldComponentUpdate()
that is equivalent to React's PureRenderMixin
, but compares Probe different by doing something like:
!(currentProbe.deref() === nextProbe.deref())
The props passed to shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
is equivalent to Object.assign({}, props, assignNewProps(props, context))
has been inspired by connectToStores
code written by @gaearon in his article promoting usage of Higher-order components: https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/mixins-are-dead-long-live-higher-order-components-94a0d2f9e750