CLI node app that let you to open an online htm/html file in Responsys editor or view window using a local file as path map.
Use local htm/html filename and path as a quick shortcut to open the online matching file on the edit or view preview window in Responsys.
Usage: orsys [options]
-e, --edit Open the file on an edit windows in Responsys.
-b, --browser <browserName> Define the browser to be used to open the file (ex.: "chrome", "firefox").
-i, --initialize [ResponsysRoot] Creates "orsys.json" configuration file in the current folder.
-a, --win-contextmenu-add Add Responsys contextual menu. Win only.
-r, --win-contextmenu-remove Remove Responsys contextual menu. Win only.
-h, --help Output usage information
npm install orsys -g
Note: You must install this package globally to be able to use it anywhere from the CLI.
Contextual menu (Windows only)
To add or remove the contextual menu in windows, use this commands:
- Add contextual menu
orsys -a
- Remove contextual menu
orsys -r
The tool expect an orsys.json
configuration file, next -or in a parent folder- to the files you want to open in Responsys, with the online path for the the local files you want to open.
Use this command to create the config file:
orsys -i [responsys root folder]
If empty the tool will default to "contentlibrary".
How to use
Note: You must be already loggedin in Responsys in the default browser.
There are tree ways to use orsys.
1. From the command line
Open a CLI windows in the file folder and run one of the following commands:
- View:
orsys C:\work\filename.htm
- Edit:
orsys -e C:\work\filename.htm
2. From contextual menu (Windows only)
Rigth click any htm/html file to open the contextual menu, and click on Responsys\Edit
to open this file responsys online counterpart.
3. VSCode custom task
Configure a custom task in VSCode to launch the current open file in Responsys.
Here is an example task file that add the tasks rsysedit and rsysview.
// See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"taskName": "rsysedit",
"type": "shell",
"command": "orsys -e ${file}",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "never"
"taskName": "rsysview",
"type": "shell",
"command": "orsys ${file}",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "never"
Example use case
Take as reference this loca folders tree:
| \---shell.htm
| \---shell.htm
\---- campaign3
And this Responsys online folders tree:
+--- campaign1
| \----shell.htm
| \----shell.htm
We want to map all the local folders under C:\Work\campaigns\ relative to the online Responsys path contentlibrary\2017.
So, our RSYS root folder will be: contentlibrary/2017.
To create the corresponding config file, open a CLI windows on C:\Work\campaigns and use this command:
C:\Work\campaigns>orsys -i contentlibrary\2017