PoC for making a love story out of [Bit](https://bit.dev) and [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/). Bit provides a truly isolated development experience for components. Storybook excels in component rendering and showcase. Together it is the most epic
PoC for making a love story out of Bit and Storybook. Bit provides a truly isolated development experience for components. Storybook excels in component rendering and showcase. Together it is the most epic solution for component development and management.
Component development, with true isolation
Testing components in true isolation is hard. For example, even when using Storybook you are prone to the issue around
Better component showcase development experience
gif placeholder
Experience components visually with Knobs
Preview all of your Bit Workspace components
Works with the framework of your choice
Bit Storybook supports React, Angular and Vue.
Import and develop components in any project with zero configuration
How to use?
Install Bit's Storybook extension on your workspace
$ bit use storybook
Workspace Storybook
To start development of all your workspace components with Storybook, use the bit storybook
It will open Storybook listening to your configured port on your local machine.
$ bit storybook
Storybook Capsule
We should create a capsule
Tracking .story files made easy
$ bit add src/button --story src/button/button.story.tsx
Do we really need this?
Component Storybook
$ bit storybook button
Configure Bit and Storybook
"bit": {
"storybook": {