orna4node is a tool for creation Atomic CSS.
Atomic CSS classes auto-creator
Just download it and put into your work directory with index.html.
Then run it with nodejs.
After, you can write classes like: color_red, height_100px and Orna automatically create atomic.css file with this class in root directory.
Structure: property_value, property_value_event;
Event, Pseudo-classes:
- hover or ho
- focus or fo
- active or ac
- first-child or fc
- link or lk
- visited or vi
- checked or ch
- color or c
- width or w
- height or h
- margin or m (ml,mr,mt,mb)
- padding or p (pl,pr,pt,pb)
- background or bg
- background-color or bgc
- border or b (bl,br,bt,bb)
- border-color or b-c (bl-c,br-c,bt-c,bb-c)
- border-style or b-s (bl-s,br-s,bt-s,bb-s)
- border-width or b-w (bl-w,br-w,bt-w,bb-w)
- text-align or ta
- text-decoration or td
- font-family or ff
- font-size or fs
- font-weight or fw
- transition-duration or t-dur
- transition-delay or t-del
- transition-property or t-pro
- transition-timing-function or t-fun
- display or d
- And other like in CSS but with underscore : = _ !!!
U can write:
class=" background-color_red height_100px width_50% color_#0f0 "
class=" bgc_red h_100px w_50% c_#0f0 "
More info: orna4node - NW.js
See also: ornajs;
Use Orna4Node-CLI with reload node module. For Browser autoreload! It's recommended!
How use it?
- Install Node.js
- Download Orna4Node-CLI
- Install reload node module from CMD. Write: (npm install -g reload).
- Start "reload". Write in CMD: reload --browser. But do it from right directory. For directory changes use "cd C:\path". Path where the index.html is.
- Create index.html with orna4node classes and put it with Orna4Node file.
- Start orna4node.js from CMD. Write: node orna4node.js. But do it from right directory. For directory changes use "cd C:\path".