Syntactic sugar for OrientDB using orientjs.
Provides syntactic sugar, including gremlin-like operators, for Graph database operations on OrientDB.
API documentation
import { Client } from 'orientdb-sugar'
async function main() {
// Connect to your server
const client = new Client({
host: 'localhost',
port: 2424,
username: 'leroyjenkins',
password: 'ohgodhesgoingin',
manageSchema: true, // <-- Enables automatic creation of classes, properties, and indices.
log: console.log // <-- Enables you to see what commands and queries are being run.
const db = client.db('test')
// Define a schema
const Actor = db.vertex('Actor')
.property('name', 'string')
.index('name', 'unique')
const ActedIn = db.edge('ActedIn')
const StarredIn = db.edge('StarredIn')
const Film = db.vertex('Film')
.property('name', 'string')
.property('year', 'integer')
.index('name', 'unique')
// Add some data
// Create a vertex
const tomHanks = await Actor.upsert({ name: 'Tom Hanks' }, { born: '1956-07-09' })
// Create another vertex
const big = await Film.upsert({ name: 'Big' }, { year: 1988, release: '1998-06-03', genre: ['Drama', 'Fantasy'] })
// Create an edge
await ActedIn.upsert(tomHanks, big, { character: 'Josh Baskin' })
// Another way: Learning
// By reference, "Learn Tom Hanks acted in Big"
await db.learn(tomHanks, ActedIn, big)
// By anonymous, "Learn actor Jared Rushton acted in film Big as Billy".
// This method assumes the only property of the first object is the class,
// and the first property of the inner object is the unique identifier.
await db.learn(
{ Actor: { name: 'Jared Rushton' }}, // <-- Anonymous vertex upsert
'ActedIn', // <-- Edge name
{ Film: { name: 'Big'}}, // <-- Anonymous vertex upsert
{ character: 'Billy' } // <-- Edge properties
// Bulk learning
// Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson,
// acted in Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame
await db.learn(
{Actor: { name: 'Robert Downey Jr.'}},
{Actor: { name: 'Chris Evans' }},
{Actor: { name: 'Mark Ruffalo' }},
{Actor: { name: 'Chris Hemsworth' }},
{Actor: { name: 'Scarlett Johansson' }}
{ActedIn: { starring: true }},
{StarredIn: {}}
{Film: { name: 'Avengers', year: 2012 }},
{Film: { name: 'Avengers: Age of Ultron', year: 2015 }},
{Film: { name: 'Avengers: Infinity War', year: 2018 }},
{Film: { name: 'Avengers: Endgame', year: 2019 }}
// Get a single record
const rdj = await Actor.select({name: 'Robert Downey Jr.'}).one()
// Traverse the graph by reference, and retrieve many records as an array.
const costars = await Actor.traverse(rdj).out(ActedIn).in(StarredIn).where({name: {$ne: rdj.name}}).toArray()
console.log(`${rdj.name}'s co-stars are ${costars.map(x => x.name).join(', ')}`)
console.log('They acted in:')
// Traverse the graph by anonymous, and stream results using async generator.
for await (let film of db.v(costars).out('ActedIn')) {
// Close the connection
await client.close()