Command-line tool to manage the Todo lists
Command-line tool to manage the Todo lists.
- Manage todo lists
- Support tomato clocks
- Support cronjobs
npm i -g orgdo
Add a task
orgdo add "Name of task"
You can add tags to mark project or owner.
orgdo add --tags myproject,bob "Invite bob to talk about the project"
You can add description. The description can be multipeline text with markdown-like fashion
orgdo add --describe 'Descripe can be multipeline text with markdown-like fashion.\nBold: Use asterisks for *bold*\nItalic: Use underscores for _italic_\nStrikethrough: Use tildes for ~strikethrough~\nCode: Use backticks for `code' "Task may have description"
Task has priority
orgdo add --priority high "Task have priority"
Determine the start time or dealine of task
orgo add --start "3d" --complete "1w" "Task need to get started in 3 days and be finished in a week"
Update a task
orgdo update --name "Rename the task" 1
Change task state
Task have state: todo, doing, done, canceled
orgdo start 1
orgdo done 1
orgdo cancel 1
Remove a task
orgdo rm 1
List tasks
No options will list the tasks to be done today.
orgdo list
List all tasks with --all
orgdo list --all
Search tasks
orgdo list --name "persentation"
Filter tasks by task properities
orgdo list --tags myproject,blob
orgdo list --tags blob --tags myproject
orgdo list --priority high
orgdo list --status todo --status doing
Filter tasks by time
orgdo list --start 3 # 3 days later
orgdo list --complete <3 # in 3 days
orgdo list --started -3 # 3 days ago
orgdo list --completed @3 # at least 3 days ago
Show task statistic
orgdo list --with-stat
Clock commands
Orgdo support tomato clock. When the timer is up, orgdo will notify.
Start a clock
orgdo clock start
Stop/Abort the clock
orgdo clock stop
Get clock state
orgdo clock state
Update clock settings
orgdo clock set --work-time 25
orgdo clock set --short-break-time 10
orgdo clock set --long-break-time 20
orgdo clock set --long-break-count 4
List clocks
orgdo clock list
Cron Commands
Orgdo enable add task with cron
Cron pattern:
# ┌────────────── second (optional)
# │ ┌──────────── minute
# │ │ ┌────────── hour
# │ │ │ ┌──────── day of month
# │ │ │ │ ┌────── month
# │ │ │ │ │ ┌──── day of week
# │ │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │ │
# * * * * * *
Add a cronjob
Add a cronjob that add task at 8:00 am every Fri.
orgdo cron add --task "Summay the job in this week" "0 0 8 * * 5"
Update a cronjob
orgdo cron update --cron "0 0 10 * * 1" 1
Remove a cronjob
orgdo cron rm 1
List cronjobs
orgdo list
MIT @ Sigoden Huang