Pauls attempt at making a basic resuable Orgbrain layout and login.
Pauls attempt at making a basic resuable Orgbrain layout and login.
Cloned from the orgbrain-frontend repo (TODO just use the orgbrain-frontend library and get rid of this cloned code)
The OrgbrainFrontEnd
This is a template layout which can be used to standardise the orgbrain apps.
How to use the Orgbrain frontend module
The OrgBrainPjlFrontEndModule is defined by the lib.module.ts
There are other useful modules e.g. OrgBrainLogoModule
The entry point for your app inside the orgbrain-frontend modify your app.module.ts like this
bootstrap: [RootComponent]
Providing components for the OrgBrainFrontend
This label defines the main component used by the orgbrain-frontend
selector: 'orgbrain-root',
template: ` <router-outlet #fullwindowoutlet name=\"fullwindow\">
</router-outlet> <orgbrain-defaultlayout *ngIf=\"!useFullWindowOutlet\"> </orgbrain-defaultlayout> `,
styles: ['']
class MyMainComponent . . .
Router outlets
We can also inject other components into the orgbrain-frontend
by defining outlets in our route.
[TODO understand this better what is available how does it work?]
path: '',
component: ContentDemoComponent // this appears in the main router outlet (see above)
path: '',
pathMatch: 'full',
outlet: 'leftsidemenu',
component: MenuDemoComponent
path: '',
outlet: 'toolbar',
component: ToolbarDemoComponent
path: 'tabs',
children: [ // ??? need to look into what this is doing
path: '',
outlet: 'extratoolbars',
component: ExtraToolbarComponent
path: 'dashboard',
component: DashboardComponent,
path: 'reports',
children: [
path: '',
component: ReportsComponent
path: '',
outlet: 'leftsidemenu',
component: ReportsMenuComponent
path: 'fullwindowtest',
outlet: 'fullwindow',
component: ContentDemoComponent
Authentication / Logon
Logon can be triggered by using the canActivate
feature of the router. (Probably other ways but this allows you to select which routes require authentication).
path: '',
canActivate: [AuthGuardService],
component: ContentDemoComponent
Trying to navigate to a path calls the canActivate
method of the AuthGuardService.
TODO say what this does.