A library that provides a simple way to read data about the Orbs PoS V1, like Guardians, rewards, etc.
Orbs PoS Data V1
A library that provides a simple way to read data about the Orbs PoS V1, like Guardians, rewards, etc.
npm install orbs-pos-data --save
- If you are using this library on a browser, make sure that you can provide a web3 instance in version 1.2.1 and up (Probably via metamask), also make sure that you have
Setup - NodeJs
import { orbsPOSDataServiceFactory } from "orbs-pos-data";
import Web3 from "web3";
import { Client, NetworkType } from "orbs-client-sdk";
// web3 instance
const ethereumProviderUrl = 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_KEY'; // The Ethereum that we will query
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(ethereumProviderUrl));
// orbs client instance
const virtualChainId = 1100000; // The virtual chain ID on the Orbs network
const orbsNodeUrl = `${virtualChainId.toString()}`;
const orbsClient = new Client(
const orbsPosData = orbsPOSDataServiceFactory(web3, orbsClient);
Setup - Browser
import { orbsPOSDataServiceFactory } from "orbs-pos-data";
import Web3 from "web3";
import { Client, NetworkType } from "orbs-client-sdk";
// creating the web3 instance
let provider;
if ((window as any).ethereum) {
// Using existing "window.ethereum" provider [MetaMask]'
provider = (window as any).ethereum;
} else {
// Using your own "infura" provider
const ethereumProviderUrl = 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_KEY';
provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(ethereumProviderUrl);
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
// create the orbs-client-sdk instance
const orbsNodeAddress = ''; // The Orbs node that we will query
const virtualChainId = 1100000; // The virtual chain Id on the Orbs network
const orbsNodeUrl = `http://${orbsNodeAddress}/vchains/${virtualChainId.toString()}`;
const orbsClient = new Client(orbsNodeUrl, virtualChainId, NetworkType.NETWORK_TYPE_TEST_NET);
const orbsPosData = orbsPOSDataServiceFactoryIOC(web3, orbsClient);
readValidators(): Promise<string[]>
Get a list of Orb's Validators addresses.
readValidatorInfo(validatorAddress: string): Promise<IValidatorInfo>
Get detailed information about the given Validator.
interface IValidatorInfo {
name: string;
ipAddress: string;
website: string;
orbsAddress: string;
votesAgainst: number;
readTotalParticipatingTokens(): Promise<number>
Get the current total number of participating ORBS in the POS.
readRewards(address: string): Promise<IRewards>
Get information about all the rewards of a given address
export interface IRewards {
delegatorReward: bigint;
guardianReward: bigint;
validatorReward: bigint;
readRewardsHistory(address: string): Promise<IRewardsDistributionEvent[]>
Get a list of all the rewards distrebution events to a given address
interface IRewardsDistributionEvent {
distributionEvent: string;
amount: number;
transactionHash: string;
readUpcomingElectionBlockNumber(): Promise<number>
Get the upcoming election block number (on Ethereum)
readEffectiveElectionBlockNumber(): Promise<number>
Get the effective election block number (on Ethereum)
readElectedValidators(): Promise<string[]>
Get a list of the currently elected Validator's addresses.
readElectedValidatorInfo(validatorAddress: string): Promise<IElectedValidatorInfo>
Get a detailed information about the given Validator.
readOrbsBalance(address: string): Promise<bigint>
Get the amount of ORBS the given address is holding.
subscribeToORBSBalanceChange(address: string, callback: (newBalance: string) => void): Promise<() => void>
Listen to ORBS balance changes on the given address.
The given callback
will be fired on the balance.
This function returns the unsubscribe function. call it to unsubscribe.