Plug and play React charts
Plug and play React charts.
- Responsive layout
- Automatic data type extraction
- Freely composable marks
- Canvas rendering and caching optimizations
- Configurable theme
Orama has been powering Kensho's charts in production for more than a year.
/horáō, "to see, spiritually and mentally" – a vision, focusing on the impact it has on the one beholding the vision.
Quick Start
$ npm install orama
- Get an array of objects:
[{key1, key2}, {key1, key2}, ...]
, or array of arrays for multi-lines and multi-areas. - Choose which marks to use:
<Lines />
,<Points />
,<Bars />
,<Areas />
, etc. - Choose which keys in the data map to which visual dimensions:
, etc.
import {Chart, Lines} from 'orama'
const data = [
{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), value: 10},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01'), value: 17},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01'), value: 9},
{date: new Date('2010-04-01'), value: 12},
{date: new Date('2010-05-01'), value: 20},
const chart = (
<Lines data={data} x="date" y="value" />
Orama charts are all wrapped by the <Chart>
tag, inside of which you can freely compose visual marks. The available marks are: <Lines />
, <Points />
, <Areas />
, <Guides />
, <Ranges />
, and <Text />
The data
for each mark can be an array of objects [{}, {}]
or an array of arrays of objects [ [{}, {}], [{}, {}] ]
. You can use arrays of arrays to get multi-lines or multi-areas in the <Lines />
and <Areas />
marks. Values in the objects can be Number
s, String
s or Date
Each key from the data objects can be mapped to a visual dimension on the marks. The available visual dimensions are: x
, x0
, x1
, x2
, y
, y0
, y1
, y2
, radius
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
, alpha
, text
, textAlign
, xOffset
, and yOffset
. Not all dimensions are available in all marks.
To map the values from the key date
in the data objects to the x
position of a <Points />
mark, you can do:
import {Chart, Points} from 'orama'
const data = [
{date: new Date('2010-01-01')},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01')},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01')},
const chart = (
<Points data={data} x="date" />
The values' types are automatically extracted from the data, and the data domain for each visual dimension is calculated using all marks inside of a chart. If a chart has both <Lines />
and <Points />
using the x
dimension, the domain of the x
dimension will be calculated using the data in both marks.
Most of the props accepted by the components follow a schema that combines the dimension name with a specific property. For example, to manually set the axis name for the x
dimension you can pass the prop: xName="custom name"
, to set the fill
dimension to a constant value (instead of mapping from the data) you can use the prop: fillValue="steelblue"
Throughout this documentation, we will refer to this use of dimension + property as [dim]PropertyName
. All dimensions can be configured this way.
The dimension props can also be set specifically for during hover behavior, by adding hover before the name of the prop: hover[Dim]PropertyName
<Chart />
The chart component can be configured with the following properties:
| Prop | Description |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| width
| NumberSets the width of the chart, if this property is not used the chart gets the dimension from its parent. |
| proportion
| Number = 0.5The height of the chart is calculated by multiplying the width
by the proportion
value. If height
is defined, this value is ignored. |
| height
| NumberIf height is not defined, its value is calculated by multiplying the width
the proportion
. If height
is defined, the proportion
is ignored. |
| margin
| ObjectOverrides the margins of the chart. The margins are automatically calculated so that the axis labels can fit inside of the chart. <Chart margin={{top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20}} />
| theme
| Object = DEFAULT_THEMECustomizes the theme of the chart. See the theme object schema |
| [dim]Name
| StringThe name to be used for the dimension axis label and tooltip. Defaults to the accessor key. |
| [dim]ZeroBased
| boolean = falseSets if the domain of the dimension should include zero. |
| [dim]Type
| StringOverrides the type of the dimension. Accepted values are: linear
, ordinal
, time
and log
. |
| [dim]Domain
| ArrayOverrides the domain of the dimension. <Chart xRange={[-10, 10]}/>
| [dim]Range
| ArrayOverrides the range of the dimension. <Chart radiusRange={[1, 20]}/>
<Chart fillRange={["green", "blue"]}/>
| [dim]Nice
| boolean = falseIf sets to true
extends the domain of dimension to nice round values. |
| [dim]ShowTicks
| boolean = trueShow or hide the axis ticks for the dimension. |
| [dim]ShowGuides
| boolean = trueShow or hide the axis guides for the dimension. |
| [dim]ShowLabel
| boolean = trueShow or hide the axis label for the dimension. |
| [dim]TickSpace
| NumberOverrides the sugested space between axis ticks. For numbers and dates, the tick count on the axis is calculated by dividing the size of the axis by the [dim]TickSpace
prop. For strings, all values become ticks on the axis, since there's no way to select a representative subset of them on a timeline.The tickSpace defaults to 50
for the x
dimension and 40
for the y
dimension. |
| [dim]TickCount
| NumberOverrides the number of ticks used on the axis of the dimension. For axes with datatypes string of number, the [dim]TickCount
is automatically calculated by dividing the size of the axis by the [dim]TickSpace
prop. For strings, all values become ticks on the axis, since there's no way to select a representative subset of them on a timeline. |
| [dim]TickFormat
| FunctionOverrides the function used to format the values of the dimension on the axis and tooltip. <Chart xTickFormat={d => Math.round(d)}/>
| [dim]TickOffset
| NumberOverrides the distance between the tick text and the axis. |
| [dim]LabelOffset
| NumberOverrides the distance between the axis label text and the axis. |
Configuring the Tooltip
The tooltip can be configured by passing additional props to the Chart. You can also provide your own React component to be displayed as the tooltip.
| Prop | Description |
| ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Tooltip
| React ComponentOverride the tooltip component. |
| tooltipExtraDimensions
| Array<{accessor: string, name: string, format: function}>Add extra dimensions to the tooltip. You can also pass an array of strings if you plan to use the default name and formatters. |
| [dim]TooltipFormat
| functionOverride the value formatter for the specified key. |
| tooltipShowKeys
| boolean = falseShow or hide the keys row on the tooltip. |
Marks can be freely composed inside of the <Chart />
. Orama offers the following marks components: <Lines />
, <Points />
, <Areas />
, <Guides />
, <Ranges />
, and <Text />
Each mark needs a data input and at least one dimension accessor defined. The input data for the mark can be an array of objects or an array of arrays of objects, the latter denoting grouped data such as multi-lines or multi-areas. Accepted values for the data objects are: Number
, String
, and Date
Configuring Marks
The available visual dimensions that can be used to map data values to the marks are: x
, x0
, x1
, x2
, y
, y0
, y1
, y2
, radius
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
, alpha
, text
, textAlign
, xOffset
, and yOffset
. Not all dimensions are available in all marks, see below for the specific dimensions supported by each mark.
All marks can be configured with the following props:
| Prop | Description |
| ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| data
| ArrayThe input data for the mark component, see above for what format is accepted. |
| [dim]
| StringSets the key data accessor for the specified dimension. |
| [dim]Value
| AnyA constant to be used for the dimension. <Points radiusValue={10}/>
<Lines alphaValue={0.25}/>
| showHover
| boolean = trueSets the tooltip hover behaviour for the mark. |
<Lines />
Mark for drawing lines or multi-lines. To draw multi-lines, use an array of arrays as the data input.
It accepts the following dimensions: x
, y
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
and alpha
import {Chart, Lines} from 'orama'
const data = [
{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), value: 10, name: 'A'},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01'), value: 17, name: 'A'},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01'), value: 9, name: 'A'},
{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), value: 16, name: 'B'},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01'), value: 13, name: 'B'},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01'), value: 15, name: 'B'},
const chart = (
<Lines data={data} x="date" y="value" stroke="name" />
<Areas />
Mark for drawing areas on the charts.
It accepts the following dimensions: x
, x0
, y
, y0
, radius
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
and alpha
To map the lower bound of the area to the data, use the x0
or y0
import {Chart, Areas} from 'orama'
const data = [
{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), value: 10},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01'), value: 17},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01'), value: 3},
const chart = (
<Chart yZeroBased>
<Areas data={data} x="date" y="value" />
<Points />
Mark for drawing circles on the charts.
It accepts the following dimensions: x
, y
, radius
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
and alpha
import {Chart, Points} from 'orama'
const data = [
{value1: 16, value2: 10, size: 1},
{value1: 13, value2: 17, size: 5},
{value1: 15, value2: 14, size: 10},
const chart = (
<Points data={data} x="value1" y="value2" radius="size" />
<Bars />
Mark for drawing bars on the charts.
It accepts the following dimensions: x
, x1
, x2
, y
, y1
, y2
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
and alpha
You can define the exact start and end of the bars by using the x1
, x2
, y1
and y2
import {Chart, Bars} from 'orama'
const data = [
{type: 'type 1', value: 10},
{type: 'type 2', value: 20},
{type: 'type 3', value: -7},
const chart = (
<Chart yZeroBased>
<Bars data={data} x="type" y="value" />
<Guides />
Mark for drawing vertical or horizontal guides on the charts.
It accepts the following dimensions: x
, y
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
and alpha
import {Chart, Guides} from 'orama'
const data = [{x: 1}, {x: 5}, {x: 8}, {x: 10}, {y: 1}, {y: 5}, {y: 8}, {y: 10}]
const chart = (
<Chart yZeroBased>
lineDashValue={[5, 5]}
<Ranges />
Mark for drawing vertical or horizontal ranges on the charts.
It accepts the following dimensions: x1
, x2
, y1
, y2
, fill
, stroke
, lineWidth
, lineDash
and alpha
import {Chart, Ranges} from 'orama'
const data = [
{start: 1, end: 5},
{start: 10, end: 20},
{start: 40, end: 50},
{start: 60, end: 80},
const chart = (
<Text />
Mark for text on the charts.
It accepts the following dimensions: x
, y
, alpha
, text
, textAlign
, xOffset
and yOffset
import {Chart, Points, Text} from 'orama'
const data = [
{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), value: 10, letter: 'A'},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01'), value: 17, letter: 'B'},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01'), value: 9, letter: 'C'},
const chart = (
<Points data={data} x="date" y="value" />
Theme configuration
The theme can be configured by passing a theme
prop to the <Chart />
component, which will be merged with the default theme.
import {Chart, Points} from 'orama'
const data = [
{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), value: 10},
{date: new Date('2010-02-01'), value: 17},
{date: new Date('2010-03-01'), value: 9},
{date: new Date('2010-04-01'), value: 12},
{date: new Date('2010-05-01'), value: 10},
const theme = {
textFill: 'white',
backgroundFill: 'black',
plotBackgroundFill: 'hsl(0, 0%, 20%)',
guideStroke: 'hsl(0, 0%, 30%)',
guideZeroStroke: 'hsl(0, 0%, 55%)',
plotFill: 'white',
const chart = (
<Chart theme={theme}>
<Points data={data} x="date" y="value" />
Made with ♥ by Luis Carli
This library is heavily influenced by the work of Mike Bostock, Hadley Wickham, and many other academics and practitioners from the data visualization community.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2018 Kensho Technologies, LLC.