Pipes messages from source to destination filtering out ones it has seen recently
Filters messages based on having seen some characteristic of the data before
Getting Started:
The best way to see how to use opifex.filter.seen is with an RSS example:
opifex 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//rss-out/#/seen/seen-out/saw' filter.seen
Here we're mapping everything on the rss-out exchange to the seen queue, and on which the filter reads. The filter then outputs all of the not yet seen content to the seen-out exchange.
Once running we can then send a command and control message to tell filter.seen how to filter RSS feeds by injecting code over the bus:
[ "put", "/rss-out/filter", "filter", "method", "article", "return article.guid" ]
The above message is using the WebSocket pontifex bridge. What it means is as follows:
"put" -> send the remainder of this message to a named resource path
"/rss-out/filter" -> send it to the rss-out exchange, routing key filter
payload is: [ "filter", "method", "article", "return article.guid" ]
"filter" -> method of the recipient to execute
"method" -> first parameter of the anonymous function we'll use to filter seen objects
"article" -> second parameter of the anonymous function we'll use to filter seen objects
"return article.guid" -> body of the filter function
This create a new anonymous function:
function (method,article {
return article.guid;
Which will be used to identify which rss articles have been seen.