OpenUI5 TypeScript definitions, exports and (optional) runtime annotations.
OpenUI5 TypeScript definitions, exports and (optional) runtime annotations.
Release Notes
0.5.0 - Breaking: Split the dist folders into types and exports.
0.4.0 - Fork, rename and update. UI5 1.38, 1.44, 1.52, 1.54.
0.3.0 - Create definitions for more than one version of UI5 (just 1.46 and 1.48 for now). Be careful, now that there is these definitions inside the package and I have plans to make these definitions better (normally replacing an any
type with a more specific one), almost all new versions from now on may be a breaking change.
0.2.0 - Create my own UI5 definitions generator, because the available ones didn't fit my needs (you can still use another, just set it up in your tsconfig.json
0.1.x - Generated exports files for all namespace sap.* objects, to make possible import these objects without creating a single <object>.d.ts
for each imported object.
0.0.x - Just a draft.
How to use definitions and exports
It is very simple, make it work with only 4 steps:
- Install
npm packages - Add the required TypeScript options in the tsconfig.json
1) Install openui5-types
, typescript
and @types/jquery
npm packages
npm install @types/jquery --save-dev
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install openui5-types --save
2) Add the required TypeScript options in the tsconfig.json
- Add the
path, and
Example of tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"module": "ESNext",
"strict": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization": false,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noUnusedParameters": true,
"baseUrl": "./",
"outDir": ".build/ts-out",
"rootDir": "./src",
"paths": {
"sap/*": [
"": [
"your/app/namespace/*": [
"files": [
"include": [
"exclude": [
Note: A future version may split up the large sap.d.ts, but referencing the index.d.ts file will include all of them.
Resolving common typescript errors and module resolution problems
Problem: Doesn't find your own *.ts
// error TS2307: Cannot find module 'your/app/namespace/folder/ClassName'.
import ClassName from "your/app/namespace/folder/ClassName";
Solution: Make sure you have the path of your namespace root in the tsconfig.json
and if it match with your application startup in the index.html
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
+ "your/app/namespace/*": [ "./src/*" ]
Problem: Doesn't find a class in sap.* namespace:
// error TS2307: Cannot find module 'sap/ui/core/UIComponent'.
import UIComponent from "sap/ui/core/UIComponent";
Solution: Make sure you have mapped the openui5-types exports folder in your paths of the tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
+ "sap/*": [ "./node_modules/openui5-types/dist/1.52/sap/*" ]
If the problem still remains, please, create an issue in the github project.