Backend Server & Simple CLI tool for the OpenFire Project
OpenFire Server
Server for the OpenFire Project
What is OpenFire?
OpenFire is an Open Source Database & Backend Engine. Use our JavaScript SDK to connect your web services directly to the server, and interact with your objects immediatly and realtime!
Getting started
This guide is for developers who want to get started immediatly.
Install OpenFire
npm install -g openfire
If that doesn't work, try append sudo to run installation as root.
Start hacking! This command will launch a in-memory server, with zero dependencies. Keep in mind that when you close this server the data is gone.
openfire hack
It's that simple :) Now let's put our db to work, shall we? The following example is a realtime visitor-counter, and demonstrates various functions available in the OpenFire SDK.
Create a file with a .html
extension, and paste the following code.
Then just open the file on a few tabs, maybe even on your mobile device and watch the counter jump!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Visitor Counter</title>
<h3>Welcome! There are currently <span id="counter"></span> People watching this site!</h3>
<script src=""></script>
// Intialize our DB
// getting-started is our namespace for this example project
var db = new OpenFire("http://localhost:5454/getting-started");
// connections is where we drop our users connection data in
var connections = db.child("connections");
// connectedChild is the unique object
// we hold the current connection for this client in
var connectedChild = null;
// This function get's called every time the connections object changes.
var connectionsChange = function(sn) {
if (sn.val != null) {
// Get the count
var count = sn.childCount();
// Set the count to our counter in HTML
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = count;
// Hook connectionsChange event to "value"
// The server will call this to us each time the value of connections change.
connections.on("value", connectionsChange);
connections.on("connect", function() {
// On connect, use push to create a new child inside connections
// And set it to true to mark the connected state
connectedChild = connections.push();
// Use setAfterDisconnect to make sure that the value gets deleted
// (set to null equals deletion in OpenFire)
// to guarantee the counter only count our current visitors
As you can see it's not that hard to create fairly complex dynamic web apps with OpenFire. Currently OpenFire is in beta, and I'll try to make better documentation in the next week!
watches for file changes and reruns tests each time
$ grunt watch
runs spec tests
$ grunt test
produces coverage report (needs explicit piping)
$ grunt cov