Utilities to optimise OpenApi (swagger 2.0) specifications
A set of utility functions to optimise OpenApi (swagger) 2.0 specifications
These optimisations may be most useful when the OpenApi specification has been converted from another format or automatically generated, and may improve code-generation. Differencing the input and output may also identify errors in your specification not detected by most parsers/validators. Disk/over-the-wire savings of 25% even after gzip compression are easily possible.
Default optimisations
- Converting repeated parameters into common parameters
- Removing duplicated common parameters
- Removing unused common parameters
- Promotion of repeated mandatory action-level parameters to path-level
- Removal of redundant parameter default properties
- Removal of incorrect parameter type, property and format combinations
- Removal of redundant enums (from boolean types)
- Removing empty parameter descriptions
- Removing redundant consumes/produces
- Compression of different representations of functionally equivalent empty schemas
- Removing unused and empty tags
- Removing empty definitions
- Removing empty responses
- Removing unused securityDefinitions
- Using tabs for indenting the output if serialised as JSON by the included utility
- Using a compact yaml format if serialised as YAML by the included utility
- Using UTF8 encoding for the output if serialised by the included utility
Not enabled by default are
- Optional expansion of all local non-circular $ref's prior to
- Automatic creation of $ref's for repeated model elements
As these currently consume excessive memory or have not been sufficiently tested
var opt = require('openapi_optimise');
var options = {};
// options.verbose = 1;
var dest = opt.defaultOptimisations(swagger,options);
Included command-line tool
applies all safe optimisations by default
openapi_optimise [options] {infile} [{outfile}]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --verbose verbosity level, repeat for more logging [count]
-n, --nondefault apply non-default operations [boolean]
-u, --unindent no indentation/linefeeds [boolean]
-a, --analyse analyse structure of specification [boolean]
-e, --expand expand all local $refs before any model compression
-i, --inline inline $refs rather than moving to #/definitions[boolean]
-j, --jsyaml use jsyaml for output, default jgexml [boolean]
-s, --skip-defaults do not perform default optimisations [boolean]
-t, --preserve-tags preserve tags with vendor extensions [boolean]
-y, --yaml read and write specification in yaml format (default
JSON) [boolean]
-r, --yamlread read specification in yaml format [boolean]
-w, --yamlwrite write specification in yaml format [boolean]
To run a test-suite:
node testRunner {path-to-APIs}
The test harness currently expects files named swagger.yaml
or swagger.json
and has been tested against