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Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

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OpenAPI Server URL templating parser, validator and substitution mechanism.





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Server URL Templating supports Server Variables. Variable substitutions will be made when a variable is named in {brackets}. This mechanism is used by Server Object of OpenAPI specification.

openapi-server-url-templating is a parser, validator and substitution mechanism for OpenAPI Server URL Templating, which played a foundational role in defining the official ANBF grammar for Server URL Templating.

It supports Server Object URL Templating defined in following OpenAPI specification versions:

Table of Contents

Getting started


You can install openapi-server-url-templating using npm:

 $ npm install openapi-server-url-templating


openapi-server-url-templating currently supports parsing, validation and substitution. Both parser and validator are based on a superset of ABNF (SABNF) and use apg-lite parser generator.


Parsing a Server URL Templating is as simple as importing the parse function and calling it.

import { parse } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

const parseResult = parse('https://{username}{port}/{basePath}');
parseResult.result.success; // => true

parseResult variable has the following shape:

  result: {
    success: true,
    state: 101,
    stateName: 'MATCH',
    length: 56,
    matched: 56,
    maxMatched: 56,
    maxTreeDepth: 12,
    nodeHits: 758
  ast: fnast {
    callbacks: [
      'server-url-template': [Function: serverUrlTemplate],
      'server-variable': [Function: serverVariable],
      'server-variable-name': [Function: serverVariableName],
      literals: [Function: literals]
    init: [Function (anonymous)],
    ruleDefined: [Function (anonymous)],
    udtDefined: [Function (anonymous)],
    down: [Function (anonymous)],
    up: [Function (anonymous)],
    translate: [Function (anonymous)],
    setLength: [Function (anonymous)],
    getLength: [Function (anonymous)],
    toXml: [Function (anonymous)]
Interpreting AST as list of entries
import { parse } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

const parseResult = parse('https://{username}{port}/{basePath}');
const parts = [];


After running the above code, parts variable has the following shape:

  [ 'literals', 'https://' ],
  [ 'server-variable', '{username}' ],
  [ 'server-variable-name', 'username' ],
  [ 'literals', '' ],
  [ 'server-variable', '{port}' ],
  [ 'server-variable-name', 'port' ],
  [ 'literals', '/' ],
  [ 'server-variable', '{basePath}' ],
  [ 'server-variable-name', 'basePath' ]
Interpreting AST as XML
import { parse } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

const parseResult = parse('https://{username}{port}/{basePath}');
const xml = parseResult.ast.toXml();

After running the above code, xml variable has the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root nodes="10" characters="56">
  <!-- input string -->
  <node name="server-url-template" index="0" length="56">
    <node name="literals" index="0" length="8">
    </node><!-- name="literals" -->
    <node name="server-variable" index="8" length="10">
      <node name="server-variable-name" index="9" length="8">
      </node><!-- name="server-variable-name" -->
    </node><!-- name="server-variable" -->
    <node name="literals" index="18" length="21">
    </node><!-- name="literals" -->
    <node name="server-variable" index="39" length="6">
      <node name="server-variable-name" index="40" length="4">
      </node><!-- name="server-variable-name" -->
    </node><!-- name="server-variable" -->
    <node name="literals" index="45" length="1">
    </node><!-- name="literals" -->
    <node name="server-variable" index="46" length="10">
      <node name="server-variable-name" index="47" length="8">
      </node><!-- name="server-variable-name" -->
    </node><!-- name="server-variable" -->
  </node><!-- name="server-url-template" -->

NOTE: AST can also be traversed in classical way using depth first traversal. For more information about this option please refer to apg-js and apg-js-examples.


Validating a Server URL Templating is as simple as importing the test function and calling it.

import { test } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

test('https://{username}{port}/{basePath}'); // => true
test(''); // => true
test('', { strict: true }); // => false (doesn't contain any server-variable)


Performing Server URL template substitution is as simple as importing the substitute function and calling it.

import { substitute } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

subtitute('https://{username}', { username: 'char0n' }); // => ""

Substituted Server URL Templating is automatically encoded using encodeURIComponent function. It is possible to provide a custom encoder.

import { substitute } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

substitute('https://{username}', { username: '/?#' }, {
  encoder: (serverVariable) => serverVariable, // no encoding
}); // => "https:///?"


New grammar instance can be created in following way:

import { Grammar } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

const grammar = new Grammar();

To obtain original ABNF (SABNF) grammar as a string:

import { Grammar } from 'openapi-server-url-templating';

const grammar = new Grammar();

// or

More about OpenAPI Server URL Templating

The Server URL Templating is defined by the following ABNF syntax

; OpenAPI Server URL templating ABNF syntax
server-url-template    = 1*( literals / server-variable ) ; variant of
server-variable        = "{" server-variable-name "}"
server-variable-name   = 1*( %x00-7A / %x7C / %x7E-10FFFF ) ; every UTF8 character except { and } (from OpenAPI)

literals               = 1*( %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26-3B / %x3D / %x3F-5B
                       / %x5D / %x5F / %x61-7A / %x7E / ucschar / iprivate
                       / pct-encoded)
                            ; any Unicode character except: CTL, SP,
                            ;  DQUOTE, "%" (aside from pct-encoded),
                            ;  "<", ">", "\", "^", "`", "{", "|", "}"

DIGIT          =  %x30-39             ; 0-9
HEXDIG         =  DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" ; case-insensitive

pct-encoded    =  "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG

ucschar        =  %xA0-D7FF / %xF900-FDCF / %xFDF0-FFEF
               /  %x10000-1FFFD / %x20000-2FFFD / %x30000-3FFFD
               /  %x40000-4FFFD / %x50000-5FFFD / %x60000-6FFFD
               /  %x70000-7FFFD / %x80000-8FFFD / %x90000-9FFFD
               /  %xA0000-AFFFD / %xB0000-BFFFD / %xC0000-CFFFD
               /  %xD0000-DFFFD / %xE1000-EFFFD

iprivate       =  %xE000-F8FF / %xF0000-FFFFD / %x100000-10FFFD


openapi-server-url-templating is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. openapi-server-url-templating comes with an explicit NOTICE file containing additional legal notices and information.