Typescript package to retrieve security mechanism information from an operation in compliance with an OpenApi specification. For 3.1.x and 3.0.x OpenAPI versions.
OpenAPI Security Retriever
Typescript package to retrieve security mechanism informations from an operation in compliance with an OpenApi specification. For 3.1.x and 3.0.x OpenAPI versions.
npm install openapi-security-retriever
yarn add openapi-security-retriever
import securityRetriever from 'openapi-security-retriever'
import schemaRetriever from 'openapi-schema-retriever'
let schema
const main = async () => {
/* First, by schemaRetriever, get, check and parse the openapi specification that can be an object or an file path string.
* If the specification input is a file path string, a second argument standing for the current working directory is mandatory.
* We recommend to use '__dirname' as second argument.
* The file must be either a json, a yaml or a yml file.
* specBuilder returns an object in accordance with OpenAPI scpecification.
const schema = await schemaRetriever('./openapi.yaml', __dirname)
* securityRetriever takes 3 mandatory arguments: an OpenAPI specification object, a string as a schema path, and a string as a http request method.
const security = securityRetriever(schema, '/products', 'get')
console.log(security) // => { secured: true, optional: false, securities: [ JwtOauth: { type: 'http', scheme: 'bearer', scopes: ['admin'] } ] } | null
// 'null' if operation is not found in the OpenAPI specification
Output structure
The output of the module, once called, is an object whose the structure is:
secured: boolean, // indicates whether the operation requires authentication
optional: boolean, // indicates whether authentication is optional or mandatory
securities: [Object] // gives list of security mechanisms
The above-mentioned Object is structured as follows:
{name}: {
type: 'apiKey',
name: string,
in: string,
scopes: [string]
} | {
type: 'http',
scheme: string,
bearerFormat?: string,
scopes: [string]
} | {
type: 'oauth2',
flows: {
implicit: {
authorizationUrl: string,
refreshUrl?: string,
scopes: [string]
password: {
tokenUrl: string,
refreshUrl?: string,
scopes: [string]
clientCredentials: {
tokenUrl: string,
refreshUrl?: string,
scopes: [string]
authorizationCode: {
authorizationUrl: string,
tokenUrl: string,
refreshUrl?: string,
scopes: [string]
scopes: [string]
} | {
type: 'openIdConnect',
openIdConnectUrl: securityScheme.openIdConnectUrl,
scopes: [string]
This package is licensed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact the package maintainer at [email protected].