Orbital Object Toolkit including Multiple Propagators, Initial Orbit Determination, and Maneuver Calculations.
An Orbital Object Toolkit in Your Web Browser
ootk is a collection libraries for doing math related to orbital objects written in TypeScript. ootk was developed to simplify the math and let you focus on using the results.
Most of the functionality was originally written for KeepTrack and then later refactored into this library for others to use.
:blue_book: Table of Contents
:wrench: Installation
Install the library with NPM:
npm i ootk
Loading the Library
import { Sgp4, Satellite } from 'ootk';
const satrec = Sgp4.createSatrec(line1, line2, 'wgs72', 'i');
:satellite: Usage
Propagating a TLE
const satrec = Sgp4.createSatrec(line1, line2);
const state = Sgp4.propagate(satrec, time);
console.log(state.position); // [x, y, z]
console.log(state.velocity); // [vx, vy, vz]
Creating a Satellite
const sat = new Satellite({ name: 'Test', tle1, tle2 });
console.log(sat.intlDes); // International Designator
console.log(sat.epochYear); // Epoch Year
console.log(sat.epochDay); // Epoch Day
console.log(sat.meanMoDev1); // Mean Motion Deviation 1
console.log(sat.meanMoDev2); // Mean Motion Deviation 2
console.log(sat.bstar); // Bstar (Drag Coefficient)
console.log(sat.inclination); // inclination in degrees
console.log(sat.raan); // right ascension of the ascending node in degrees
console.log(sat.eccentricity); // eccentricity
console.log(sat.argOfPerigee); // argument of perigee in degrees
console.log(sat.meanAnomaly); // mean anomaly in degrees
console.log(sat.meanMotion); // mean motion in revolutions per day
console.log(sat.period); // period in seconds
console.log(sat.apogee); // apogee in kilometers
console.log(sat.perigee); // perigee in kilometers
sat.propagate(time); // Propagate the satellite to the given time
sat.getLla(); // Get the satellite's position in latitude, longitude, altitude at its current time
sat.getEci(time); // Get the satellite's position in Earth-Centered Inertial coordinates at the given time without changing its state
sat.getRae(sensor, time); // Get position in range, aziimuth, elevation relative to a sensor object at the given time without changing its state
Creating a Sensor
const sensor = new Ootk.Sensor({ name: 'Test', lat: lat, lon: lon, alt: alt });
sensor.setTime(time); // Set the sensor's time to the given time
sensor.getRae(sat); // Get satellite position in range, aziimuth, elevation at the sensor's current time
sensor.getRae(sat, time); // Get position in range, aziimuth, elevation relative to a satellite object at the given time without changing its state
:desktop_computer: Building
Install Node.js and Node Package Manager;
Install all required packages with NPM by running the following command from repository's root directory:
npm install
Run the following NPM script to build everything:
npm run build
:gem: NPM Scripts
compiles TypeScript into ES6 Modules and combines them into a single file in thedist
lints source code located insrc
directory with ESLintlint:fix
lints tests located insrc
directory with ESLint and attempts to auto-fix errorslint:test
lints tests located intest
directory with ESLinttest
runs jest to verify code remains functionaltest:coverage
generates lcov report to view code coverage
:man_teacher: Contributing
This repo follows Gitflow Workflow.
Before starting a work on new pull request, please, checkout your feature or
bugfix branch from develop
git checkout develop
git fetch origin
git merge origin/develop
git checkout -b my-feature
Make sure that your changes don't break the existing code by running:
npm test
Check that your code follows the rules established in eslint.rc:
npm run lint
:man_scientist: Contributors
This whole project is an example of standing on the shoulder's of giants. None of it would have been possible without the previous work of the following:
- @ezze (Dmitriy Pushkov)
- @david-rc-dayton (David RC Dayton)
- @davidcalhoun (David Calhoun)
- @shashwatak (Shashwat Kandadai)
- @brandon-rhodes (Brandon Rhodes)
- @mourner (Volodymyr Agafonkin)
- @Hypnos (Robert Gester)
:balance_scale: License
I have placed the code under the AGPL License in order to ensure that good ideas can be shared and that the code is open for everyone to use. Learn more here.