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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Generator for OoT Bingo






Generator for OoT Bingo, written in TypeScript. Based on the original bingo generator by saltor et al. It generates the exact same boards as the previous generator did, but should be easier to read and extend. The npm package can be used to easily generate boards in projects.


Click on these links for in-depth explanations about the workings of bingo board generation:

:gear: The Generator

Explains how bingo boards are generated, with examples. The text points to the source code a few times, but can be read without having any programming knowledge. It's a strongly recommended read if you want to learn about bingo generation! Includes topics like the magic square, desired goal times, difficulty and picking goals.

:balance_scale: Balancing (bingo sheet)

Everything you need to know about the Bingo sheet. Goes in detail over the different synergy types, synergy filters, the columns on the sheet, and the goal list format. Recommended if you're interested in balancing!

:abacus: Synergy Calculation

Learn how the total synergy of a row is calculated. The document follows the calculation code step-by-step with examples. Having coding knowledge helps, but it shouldn't be too hard to understand without. It's recommended to read the generator doc first.

:stopwatch: Timing goals

How is the duration of a goal determined? This document explains the considerations and steps that go into timing a goal and determining its synergies. A few concepts used are explained in more detail in the Balancing doc, so it's recommended to read that one first.

Npm package


Install the npm package to generate boards in a project:

npm install --save oot-bingo-generator

You may want to install these related packages as well:

  • oot-bingo-lists contains the goal lists and generators of current and past bingo versions
  • oot-bingo-tools has various analysis functions including goal frequency analysis and changelog generation

Refer to their READMEs for more information on what these packages provide.

npm install --save oot-bingo-lists
npm install --save oot-bingo-tools


Generate a board:

import { generateBingoBoard } from "oot-bingo-generator";
import { getBingoList } from "oot-bingo-lists";

const bingoList = getBingoList("v10.1");

// generate a board
const board = generateBingoBoard(bingoList, "normal", 654321);

Generate a board with custom settings and run analyses:

import { generateBingoBoard, RowAnalyzer, DEFAULT_PROFILES } from "oot-bingo-generator";
import { getBingoList } from "oot-bingo-lists";

const bingoList = getBingoList("v10.1");

// generate a board with custom profile settings
const customProfile = {
  // overwrite a few settings from the normal profile
  minimumSynergy: -5,
  maximumSynergy: 9,
  maximumIndividualSynergy: 4,
  useFrequencyBalancing: false,
const board = generateBingoBoard(bingoList, "normal", 654321, customProfile);

// print the synergy analysis of a row (obviously banned to use for races)
const rowAnalyzer = new RowAnalyzer(bingoList, "normal", customProfile);
rowAnalyzer.analyzeRow(654321, "col4");

Note that using a bingo list of a specific version (like v9.2) with the latest generator version in this package does not necessarily guarantee that the resulting boards will be identical to the boards of that version. The profile settings also need to match. The oot-bingo-lists package contains a function to generate a board for a specific version, using the correct generator version.

Run source code directly


If you would like to work with the source code directly rather than installing this as a package, you can clone the repo and install the dependencies:

npm install


To run the example sandbox code which generates boards using an example goal list (v10.1), run:

npm start

This will run src/sandbox/main.ts. You can edit this code or add your own code to experiment with the generator.


To run the tests:

npm test

The tests verify that the generator generates the exact same boards as the v10.1 version does.


To bundle the generator code into a single, minified JS file (to be used for bingo versions in production):

npm run bundle

The generated file can be found in bundle/generator.js. After putting this script in the html, the main generator functions in src/index.ts can be accessed from the BingoLibrary (e.g. BingoLibrary.ootBingoGenerator(bingoList, options)). You have to add export followed by a space to the start of the file.


The main functions for generating a board are located in src/index.ts.

The ootBingoGenerator() function returns boards in the exact same legacy format that is expected by the current bingo versions on Github. The bingoGenerator() function is a wrapper and returns the same thing, but this is the name that is being used by BingoSync.

It's recommended to use the generateBingoBoard() function when generating boards yourself, since it returns a bingo board class instance. If you want to try it out, you can easily do so in src/sandbox/main.ts (see Run). To generate boards in your own project, install the npm package.


If anything is missing, wrong, or incomplete, feel free to let someone in the Bingo community know! You could also open an issue.