Ontimize Web framework using Angular 15
📜 Introduction
Ontimize Web is web application framework that provides to you an environment for solving the problematic situation of building aplications that require a browser-based user interface. Ontimize Web allows developing data management applications quickly and agile.
Ontimize Web is based on the 15.x version of Angular, and comes with many significant performance, usability, and feature improvements.
📖 Documentation
Check out our documentation site to know more details.
:zap: Getting started
Follow the Getting Started documentation section to get started quickly. There is a practical Quickstart Application, a perfect starting point for building your own Ontimize Web app.
Ontimize Web Examples
View all the examples in action at Ontimize Web.
💡 Ideas
We would love any feedback you have or to know when you encounter issues, by filing an issue report on this repo.
:gear: Development
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.2.9.
Follow the next steps:
- cd repository root
npm install
- cd projects/ontimize-web-ngx
npm install
We have a script to build the library.
npm run build
It will create the distribution folder, copy the styles and pack this to use it as a npm package in a .tgz file but you can run those tasks separately.
The script build
executes the following commands:
- ng build
- cd dist/ontimize-web-ngx && npm pack (From the distribution folder we create a .tgz file to import in our project)
:eyes: Versions and dependencies
Each version of the Addons is compatible with a version of the framework, you can check the dependencies between Angular, Ontimize web and Addons here.