Cli command line tool for Oniros
Oniros WP Theme builder CLI npm package
You can use oniros_cli globally or as an npm script.
Tested on npm version 3.10.8 and node v6.7.0
This allows you to only type oniros
anywhere on your system and it will run. It's really not that useful, but some people are just lazy cough mreynoso cough enough to want to shorten the command by two words.
To install the oniros client globally you need to:
$ sudo npm -g oniros_cli
then just run oniros
and the options will be displayed
To work with oniros locally as an npm script just do:
$ npm run oniros
The Oniros CLI offers
Build Tools
- Watch Main: Watch the theme CSS and JS files
- Watch All: Main Theme and Login SCSS and JS
- Build Main: Main theme SCSS and JS
- Build All: Main Theme/Login SCSS/JS, Favicon, Imagemin
- Process Favicon: (Connect to realfavicongenerator api and produce favicons)
- Minimize Images: using imagemin
- Build Login CSS: just do that
- Zip Theme: Precisely that, so you can just upload it.
Wordpress Utilities
- Create a WP Custom Post Type : Interactive interface to add CPT to your oniros theme. It will let you choose if you want a single-cpt.php and an archive-cpt.php template files generated
- Create Page Template : Creates a page template ;-)
- Cache to JSON system
- Update Cache Command
- Add WP Taxonomies
- Add WP Menues