run a command on file(s) change, the minimalist way
run a command on file(s) change, the minimalist way
It happened repetively that onchange didn't work for me, for reasons I couldn't track down. So, out of frustration, I wrote a minimalist implementation that would just do the thing I needed: watching a few files and running a script when they change. And it worked! So I wrapped it into this module, mostly for my own use, but maybe you will find it useful too.
To make it accessible to scripts in a project (learn more):
npm install --save-dev onchange-mini
Or to make it accessible globally:
npm install -g onchange-mini
Watch file(s) changes
onchange-mini ./a/file/to/watch ./another/file -- echo 'the wind of CHAaaAAAaaaNGE ♪ ♫'
# works great with npm scripts
onchange-mini ./a/file/to/watch ./another/file -- npm run build'
Watch directories
onchange-mini ./a/folder/to/watch ./another/folder -- the command to execute
:warning: :one: this will only trigger an event when a file is created, renamed, or removed, not when the files themselves change.
:warning: :two: this isn't watching recursively: any file change in subfolders won't be detected
You can work around :warning: :one: by watching both the directory and its files like so
onchange-mini ./a/folder/to/watch ./a/folder/to/watch/* -- the command to execute
but beware that it needs to be restarted to watch new files
export DEBUG=true; onchange-mini ./a/file/to/watch -- the command to execute
For any other feature
Option 1: use onchange if it works for you
Option 2:
- open
- hack your way
- minimalist PR welcome