Unified interface for interacting with multiple cloud storage providers
OmniCloud is a unified interface for interacting with multiple cloud storage providers. This package simplifies the process of managing files across different cloud storage services by providing a single, consistent API.
- [x] Unified API for multiple cloud storage providers
- [x] Upload files from the local filesystem, buffer, or stream
- [x] Download files to the local filesystem, buffer, or stream
- [x] Delete files
- [x] TypeScript support
- [x] Easy configuration setup
- [x] Built in support for AWS S3
- [x] Built in support for Azure Blob Storage
- [x] Built in support for Google Cloud Storage
- [x] Standardized error handling
- [ ] Pluggable architecture for adding custom providers
To install the package, use npm or yarn:
npm install omni-cloud
yarn add omni-cloud
Configure OmniCloud with the necessary credentials for your chosen cloud storage providers.
import { ProviderFactory, IStorageProvider } from 'omni-cloud';
const storageConfig = {
provider: 'aws',
aws: {
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key',
region: 'your-region',
bucketName: 'your-bucket-name',
const storage: IStorageProvider = ProviderFactory.createProvider(storageConfig);
Upload a File
From File System
async function uploadFileFromFileSystem() {
try {
await storage.uploadFile('path/to/local/file.txt', 'remote/file.txt');
console.log('File uploaded successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error uploading file:', error);
From Buffer
async function uploadFileFromBuffer(fileBuffer) {
try {
await storage.uploadFile(fileBuffer, 'remote/file.txt');
console.log('File uploaded successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error uploading file:', error);
From Stream
async function uploadFileFromStream(fileStream) {
try {
await storage.uploadFile(fileStream, 'remote/file.txt');
console.log('File uploaded successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error uploading file:', error);
Download a File
To File System
async function downloadFileToFileSystem() {
await storage.downloadFile('remote/file.txt', { type: 'file', destination: 'path/to/local/file.txt' });
console.log('File downloaded successfully');
To Buffer
async function downloadFileToBuffer() {
return await storage.downloadFile('remote/file.txt', { type: 'buffer' });
To Stream
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
async function downloadFileToStream() {
return await storage.downloadFile('remote/file.txt', { type: 'stream' });
Delete a File
async function deleteFile() {
await storage.delete('remote/file.txt');
console.log('File deleted successfully');
ProviderFactory.createProvider(config: IStorageConfig): IStorageProvider
Creates a new instance of a cloud storage provider based on the specified configuration.
uploadFile(source: string | Buffer | Stream, destination: string): Promise
Uploads a file from the local filesystem, buffer, or stream to the specified remote path in the configured cloud storage provider.
downloadFile(remotePath: string, options: { type: 'buffer' | 'stream' | 'file', destination?: string }): Promise
Downloads a file from the specified remote path in the configured cloud storage provider to the local filesystem, buffer, or stream.
delete(filePath: string): Promise
Deletes the file at the specified path in the configured cloud storage provider.
Contributions are welcome! Follow guide here
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Special thanks to all contributors and supporters of this project.