Module made by Olympus Labs for easier access to the Olympus protocol through Javascript/Typescript
When making a merge request, make sure the version number is updated (higher than the modules existing version number) so it can be deployed. If the changes do not require the module to be deployed again, the "[NOPUBLISH]" tag can be added.
Get started
Use OlympusProtocolConnector as entrance, you can also go over the codes inside the folder of /examples
const connector = new OlympusProtocolConnector();
Use connector reset configuration.
const connector.config({
web3Url: 'your web3Url',
walletAddress: 'your walletAddress',
Right now the main functions are in the DerivativeFactory. This factory needs to be initialized with the web3URL like this:
const derivativeFactory = connector.DerivativeFactory;
After this initialization we can get functions from specific derivatives by calling functions like
const index = derivativeFactory.getOlympusIndex(indexAddress);
const fund = derivativeFactory.getOlympusFund(fundAddress);
These functions combine the functionalities of the modules that are needed. The modules are only services, and will not send any TX's. If any functionalities need to be added, or a custom derivative needs to be made, the following function can be called:
const index = derivativeFactory.getOrExtendCustomDerivative(
new ERC20Derivative(),
new BuyTokens(),
new Rebalance(),
For our own partials, you can look in the src/derivatives/partials folder. If any extra partials are needed, they can be added to this module if useable in more places, or added through the getOrExtendCustomDerivative with a custom local implementation.
The Services in src/services are also useful functionality, which currently consist of AbiService (to get the latest abi), LockerService, MarketplaceService, RpcService, WhitelistService, WithdrawService. There should be added a lot of services here with the portal and IMtoken additions as well.
// register logger
import * as log4js from 'log4js';