JS library for implementing Okra widget
Okra Widget JavaScript SDK
JS library for implementing the OkraJS widget - OkraJS is a safe and secure web drop-in module and this library provides a front-end web (also available in iOS and Android) SDK for account authentication and payment initiation for each bank that Okra supports.
Try the demo
Checkout the widget flow to view how the Okra Widget works. Click "See How it Works"
Before getting started
- Checkout our get started guide to create your developer account and retrieve your Client Token, API Keys, and Private Keys.
- Create a sandbox customer, so you can get connecting immediately.
- If you are using the
version, you will first need to create a link on your dashboard, and use theshort url
returend at the end of the creation flow.
Bonus Points
- Setup Slack Notifications so you can see your API call statuses and re-run calls in real-time!
Using npm:
$ npm install okra-js
Using yarn:
$ yarn add okra-js
Using CDN:
<script src="https://cdn.okra.ng/v2/bundle.js"></script>
For JS frameworks import it and use
import Okra from 'okra-js'
For others, just use
name: 'Peter the Builder',
env: 'production-sandbox',
app_id: '',// app_id from your App builder
key: '', // Your key from the Okra dashboard
token: '', // Your token from the okra dashboard
products: ['auth','identity','balance','transactions', 'income'], //in lowercase
onSuccess: function(data){
console.log('options success', data)
onClose: function(){
console.log('options close')
// OR
short_url: '', //Your short url from the App builder (https://dash.okra.ng/links)
onSuccess: function(data){
console.log('options success', data)
onClose: function(){
console.log('options close')
Okra.buildWithOptions Options
| Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| app_id
| String
| true | | Your app id from your Okra Dashboard. |
| okraKey
| String
| true | | Your public key from your Okra Dashboard. |
| token
| String
| true | | Your token from your Okra Dashboard. |
| env
| String
| false | production
| production(live)/production-sandbox (test) |
| products
| Array
| true | ['Auth']
| The Okra products you want to use with the widget. |
| payment
| Booelan
| false | | Whether you want to initiate a payment (https://docs.okra.ng/docs/payments) |
| charge
| Object
| false | | Payment charge opject (https://docs.okra.ng/docs/widget-properties#set-up-payments) |
| products
| Array
| true | ['Auth']
| The Okra products you want to use with the widget. |
| logo
| String(URL)
| false | Okra's Logo | |
| name
| String
| false | Your Company's name | Name on the widget |
| color
| false | #3AB795 | Theme on the widget |
| limit
| Number
| false | 24 | Statement length |
| filter
| Object
| false | | Filter for widget |
| isCorporate
| Boolen
| false | false
| Corporate or Individual account |
| connectMessage
| String
| false | | Instruction to connnect account |
| widget_success
| String
| false | | Widget Success Message |
| widget_failed
| String
| false | | Widget Failed Message |
| callback_url
| String(Url)
| false | | |
| currency
| String
| false | NGN | Wallet to bill |
| exp
| Date
| false | Won't expire | Expirary date of widget |
| options
| Object
| false | | You can pass a object custom values eg id |
| onSuccess
| Function
| false | | Action to perform after widget is successful |
| onClose
| Function
| false | | Action to perform if widget is closed |
| onError
| Function
| false | | Action to perform on widget Error |
| BeforeClose
| Function
| false | | Action to perform before widget close |
| onEvent
| Function
| false | | Action to perform on widget event |
View a complete list of customizable options here
Okra.buildWithShortUrl Options
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| short_url
| String
| true | Your generated url from our App builder. |
| onSuccess
| Function
| false | Action to perform after widget is successful |
| onClose
| Function
| false | Action to perform if widget is closed |
| onError
| Function
| false | Action to perform on widget Error |
| BeforeClose
| Function
| false | Action to perform before widget close |
| onEvent
| Function
| false | | Action to perform on widget event
Done connecting?
Checkout our API Overiview and see how to use the data you've received and other products you can use to create more personalized experiences for your customers!
Not a developer?
Get started without writing a single line of code, Try our App Builder! Click here to get started
Other information
For enquires and questions, contact