simple ohlc candlestick charts with volume profile for Node.js
simple ohlc candlestick charts with volume profile for Node.js
npm i ohlc-chart-simple
var {drawChartForCandles,saveChartForCandles,
//use these 2 funcs to print candles to console...
printCandles, printCandlesColored} = require('ohlc-chart-simple');
var candles = [...];
//format of candles [
// {
// open: 1.0,
// high: 1.0,
// low: 1.0,
// close: 1.0,
// date: "anything"
// } ...
// ]
candles = candles.map(function(candle){
//candle.date is arbitrary string used to label current date in upper right corner
//ex candle.date = moment.unix(candle.timestampUnix).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
//setting candle.title overwrites the graph title. nice for animations.
//candle.title = "hey";
//additional lines for indicators can be added by adding .indicators["NAME"], .indicators["NAME_color"], .indicators["NAME_thickness"]
//in this example we add a thick blue line for candle midPts, and a thin pink line of candle lows-0.1%
candle.indicators = {
midPt: (candle.low+candle.high)/2.0,
midPt_color: [0,0,255], //fields ending with "_color" specific color [default red]
midPt_thickness: 1, //fields ending with "_thickness" specific line 'radius' [default 2]
"0.1% lower": candle.low*0.999,
"0.1% lower_color": [255,0,255], //pink
"0.1% lower_thickness": 0 //0 gives single-pixel line
return candle;
//config optional; default params shown
var config = {
w: 1024,
h: 700,
rects: [], //rectangles {minPrice,maxPrice,startIndex,endIndex,color,filled,thickness} -- example {minPrice: 140, maxPrice: 145, startIndex:5, endIndex: 15, color: [255,0,0], filled: true, thickness:0}
rectsBelow: [], //same as rects but drawn BEHIND the bars, price lines, text, etc.
lines: [], //draw lines on the chart {startPrice, endPrice, startIndex, endIndex, color: [0,0,0], thickness:0}
profileBucketsTotal: 32,
profileBucketsWidth: 64, //set to zero to skip VP render
volumeBarsHeight: 32,
bgColor: [255,255,255],
//alternative to volume profile: arbitrary kernel density histogram
//uncommenting these will replace VP with KDE graph of the same width
// kdePrices: candles.map(c=>[c.low, 1]),
// kdeBandwidthDollars: 0.00,
// kdeBandwidthPercent: 1.00,
// kdeIsGaussian: true, //false == kernel is triangular
skipDrawOhlcBars: false,
skipDrawIndicators: false,
skipDrawLegend: false,
expandLegendText: true,
expandTitle: true,
expandPrice: true,
skipDrawDate: false,
skipDrawPrice: false,
skipDrawPriceBars: false,
title: "untitled",
filename: "candlestick-chart.png",
canvas: null, //reuse existing canvas
candlePaddingVerticalDollars: 0.01, //add vertical whitespace to candles, in dollars
saveChartForCandles(candles, config);
//var canvas = drawChartForCandles(candles, config); //get pixel canvas with image data from require('pixel-draw')
note: light blue bar is volume POC, light green bar is VWAP over the range of the chart
smaller example
simpler example
example including rectangle, line, KDE graph [see test.js