Swipe actions, Tinder style.
A simple, light weight, tinder-like swiping framework for react apps.
og-react-swipe provides 2 ReactJS components that need to be used in conjunction to provide swiping funcitonality.
CardStack - A wrapper for all of your card to be swiped through. Accepted props:
- className (str): optional, provide a custom className for the CardStack
- style (obj): optional, provide custom in-line styling for the CardStack
- diff (int): the number of pixels from the middle that Cards should be dragged before callbacks are fired (default 100px)
- clickBound (int): the number of pixels from the middle that Cards should be dragged before a click event is NOT fired on release of the card (default 1px)
- onRunOut (func): optional, function executed when there are no more cards in the stack
- onTop (func): optional, function executed when a card is dragged above the stack
- onRight (func): optional, function executed when a card is dragged to the right of the stack
- onBottom (func): optional, function executed when a card is dragged below the stack
- onLeft (func): optional, function executed when a card is dragged to the left of the stack
- onClick (func): optional, function execeuted when a card is grabbed, but not moved beyond clickBound
- topLimit (int): optional, number of pixels a card is limited in movement to ont the top
- rightLimit (int): optional, number of pixels a card is limited in movement to on the right
- bottomLimit (int): optional, number of pixels a card is limited in movement to on the bottom
- leftLimit (int): optional, number of pixels a card is limited in movement to on the left
Card - A single slide of information in your stack of cards
- className (str): optional, provide a custom className for the Card (not held)
- grabbedClassName (str): optional, provide a custom className for the Card (when held)
- children (obj, arr): the children to be rendered inside the Card
- data (obj): optional, data to be sent to on[Direction] callback functions on the CardStack
- undraggable (bool): optional, make a card undraggable (great for end of stack)
- animate (Map): optional, map of 'css attribute' => fn(x, y) where x and y are the position of the card relative to its starting position, and the return of fn is the value of the css attribute
- animateThrottle (int): number of ms to throttle animation calls by (default 50ms)
- animationHook (func): optional, function to be called on each animation frame (limited to animateThrottle) it will receieve 2 parameters x and y position of the card relative to its starting position
The on[Direction] callback functions on the CardStack will receive a parameter of the data object on each Card, and a second parameter that is the number of pixels the card was dragged from its middle
By default the card will not drag if a button or anchor is clicked and held.
CardButton - An unstyled button to take actions on the card, or to hook into the currently viewed card
- className (str): optional, provide a custom className for the CardButton
- style (obj): optional, provide custom in-line styling for the CardButton
- onClick (str/func): required, provide a hook for the click event. If strings: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', or 'left' are provided instead of a function, the corresponding callback on the CardStack will be called
Example Usage
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Card, CardStack } from 'og-react-swipe';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.leftDrag = this.leftDrag.bind(this);
this.rightDrag = this.rightDrag.bind(this);
this.onRunOut = this.onRunOut.bind(this);
// utility functions
this.round = Math.round;
this.random = Math.random;
this.abs = Math.abs;
render() {
let cards = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let color = 'rgb(' +
this.round(this.random() * 255) + ',' +
this.round(this.random() * 255) + ',' +
this.round(this.random() * 255) + ')';
let animate = new Map([
(x, y) => {
x = this.abs(x);
if (x > 100) x = 100;
return (120 - x) / 120;
<Card key={ i } data={{ card_num: i }} undraggable={ i == 9 }
animate={ animate } animateThrottle={ 20 }>
<div style={{
backgroundColor: color,
width: '100%',
height: '200px',
}} />
return (
<div className="app" style={{ overflow: 'hidden' }}>
<CardStack style={{ width: '200px', margin: '100px auto' }}
diff={ 100 }
onRunOut={ this.onRunOut }
onLeft={ this.leftDrag }
onRight={ this.rightDrag }
onClick={ this.click }
clickBount={ 3 }
limit={ 120 }
bottomLimit={ 40 }>
{ cards }
leftDrag(data, amount) {
console.log('Dragged left: ', amount);
rightDrag(data, amount) {
console.log('Dragged right: ', amount);
click(data, amount) {
onRunOut() {
console.log('No more cards left!');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
Planned Features
- non-draggable elements: selectors for elements that should not drag, right now defaults to buttons and anchor tags
- dropHook: function that hooks into the drop action, and will receieve a callback to delete the card