Odemongo is an ODM for MongoDB
Odemongo is an ODM for MongoDB.
It allows you to work with multiple databases with a custom model.
1. Connect to MongoDB
Odemongo brings a you a class that you can use to connect to a DB. \
import { Database } from "odemongo"
const db = new Database(mongodb_url)
await db.connect()
2. Create your model
A model allows to you to interact with an especific database and an especific collection.
It also allows you to validate data with zod.
Just by passing a zod schema odemongo will validate it and in case of error it will return it.
import { Model } from "odemongo"
const YOUR_MODEL = new Model(db, zod_schema, collection_name)
3. Interact with your model
Now you can use all of the functions that Odemongo brings you with your model.
All the functions that receive data return an object with a result and an error and are asynchronous.
The find functions only return a result.
If there is a validation error the message will be in error and result will be null.
If validation is correct result will contain all the data and error will be false.
Options are all the default options that the MongoDB NodeJS driver has.
Model.find(query?, options?)
const { result } = await Model.find()
Result is an array
Model.findOne(query, options?)
const { result } = await Model.findOne({ name: "John Doe" })
Result is an object
Model.findById(id, options?)
const { result } = await Model.findById(id)
Id must be an string that is 24 characters long, Odemongo will turn it into an ObjectId.
Result is an object
Model.insert(object, options?)
const { result, error } = await Model.insert({ name: "John Doe" })
The object will be validated before inserting in the collection.
Result is the inserted object
Model.insertMany(array, options?)
const { result, error } = await Model.insertMany([{ name: "John doe" }])
The objects in the array will be validated before inserting them.
Result is the inserted array
Model.update(query, object, options?)
const { result, error } = await Model.update({ name: "John Doe" }, { name: "John Doe 2" })
The object will be partially validated, if the query doesn't match any object in the DB it will return null.
Result is the updated object
Model.updateById(id, object, options?)
const { result, error } = await Model.updateById(id, { name: "John Doe 2" })
Same as update but the query is now an object.
Result is the updated object
Model.delete(query, options?)
const { result, error } = await Model.delete({name: "John Doe"})
If query doesn't match any object result will be null.
Result is the deleted object.
Model.deleteById(id, options?)
const { result, error } = await Model.deleteById(id)
Same as delete but query is an id.
Result is the deleted object.
Odemongo brings you some default zod schemas to work with specific data
import { schemas } from "odemongo"
import { z } from "zod"
import { schemas } from "odemongo"
const userSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
someId: schemas.ObjectIdSchema
This allows you to add custom ids to your schemas
Created by @ivanglzr