An Oddworks provider plugin for Ooyala APIs
Oddworks Ooyala Provider
An Ooyala provider plugin for the Oddworks content server.
Install the npm package as a Node.js library:
npm install --save oddworks-ooyala-provider
For full Ooyala Backlot API documentation see support.ooyala.com/developers/documentation/concepts/chapter_api_setup.html.
Oddworks Server Integration
The Oddworks-Ooyala provider is designed to be integrated with an Oddworks server catalog, specifically as a provider. To initialize the plugin in your server:
const ooyalaProvider = require('oddworks-ooyala-provider');
// See https://gitlab.com/oddnetworks/oddworks/core/tree/master/lib/services/catalog#patterns
// for more information regarding an Oddcast Bus.
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.OOYALA_API_KEY,
secretKey: process.env.OOYALA_SECRET_KEY
ooyalaProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
The initialization process will attach Oddcast listeners for the following queries:
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'ooyala-label-provider'})
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'ooyala-asset-provider'})
To use them you send Oddcast commands to save a specification object:
// To create a collection based on a Backlot label:
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'collectionSpec',
source: 'ooyala-label-provider',
label: {id: '123456'}
// To create a video based on a Backlot asset:
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'videoSpec',
source: 'ooyala-asset-provider',
asset: {external_id: '123456'}
Transform Functions
This library provides a default transform function for collections and assets. Usually you don't want to use the default. You'll want to provide your own like this:
const ooyalaProvider = require('oddworks-ooyala-provider');
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
collectionTransform: myCollectionTransform,
assetTransform: myAssetTransform
ooyalaProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
Your transform functions myCollectionTransform
and myAssetTransform
will be called when the ooyala-label-provider
and ooyala-asset-provider
have respectively received a response from the Backlot API. Each transform will be called with 2 arguments: The spec object and the Backlot API response object.
See lib/default-asset-transform
and lib/default-collection-transform
for more info.
Ooyala API Client
You can create a stand-alone API client outside of the Oddworks provider:
const ooyalaProvider = require('oddworks-ooyala-provider');
const client = ooyalaProvider.createClient({
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.OOYALA_API_KEY,
secretKey: process.env.OOYALA_SECRET_KEY
The client can also be initialized with the high performance GET API using the baseUrl
option (see below).
Client Methods
All methods return a Promise.
Command Line Interface
You can interact with the Backlot client using the CLI tool. To get started, run:
bin/backlot --help
To authenticate the API you'll need to export the following environment variables:
The Backlot secret key
To get help with commands:
bin/backlot list --help
bin/backlot req --help
High Performance API
Ooyala offers a CDN API for serving GET requests only, which may be preferable to the standard Backlot API. To use it, initialize the provider like this:
const ooyalaProvider = require('oddworks-ooyala-provider');
const options = {
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.OOYALA_API_KEY,
secretKey: process.env.OOYALA_SECRET_KEY,
// Use the high performance API
baseUrl: 'https://cdn-api.ooyala.com'
ooyalaProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
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