tasks for start that adds dependency management support
Library that exports functions that emit/operate on npm multi-module repos.
npm install --save octopus-start-git
modules(): [module]
Resolves all modules in a multi-npm-module npm repo with rules:
- modules are discovered recursively;
- modules marked as private (private: true in package.json) are traversed into and treated as aggregate modules, but not added in list;
Returns a topologically sorted array of modules with where array item is an object with properties:
- name: module name;
- version: module version;
- path: absolute module path;
- relativePath: path relative to root of repo;
- dependencies: array of modules that this module depends on in same repo. Obects with properties:
- name: module name;
- path: absolute module path;
- relativePath: path relative to root of repo;
removeNotInPatsh(modules, paths): modules
Removes modules who does not have matching entries in paths
array. Example is if you have list of changed files and you pass it, only modules and dependees will be left in tree.
removeUnchanged(modules, label = 'default'): modules
Removed modules form provided list that have no changes in fs for given label.
markBuilt(label = 'default')(module)
Marks module as built with given label.
markUnbuilt(label = 'default')(module)
Marks module as unbuilt for given label.