a programming paradigm combining traits of OOP and ECS
A programming paradigm combining traits of OOP and ECS.
Install via npm:
npm install ocs
Code Example
This is a showcase of some of the funcitonality of OCS.
// import ocs
var ocs = require('ocs');
// creates an Environment with the name "env"
var env = new ocs.Environment('env');
// creates a Component "position" that has the properties x and y, and adds it to the Environment "env"
var position = new ocs.Component('env', 'position', (x, y)=>{
return {
x: x,
y: y
// creates an Entity called "foo", and adds it to the Environment "env"
var foo = new ocs.Entity('env', 'foo');
// adds the "position" Component to foo, and passes 1 to x and 3 to y.
foo.addComponent('position', 1, 3);
// prints: 1
// removes the "position" Component from foo
// prints: undefined
// creates a Component "anchor" that has the properties x and y, and adds it to the Environment "env"
var anchor = new ocs.Component('env', 'anchor', (x, y)=>{
return {
anchor: new ocs.EEO({
x: x,
y: y
}, (entity, key, val)=>{
console.log(`The ${key} value of the anchor of ${entity.name} was changed to ${val}`);
// adds the "anchor" Component to foo.
foo.addComponent('anchor', 2, 5);
// changes the value of foo.anchor.x to 4
// logs to the console: "The x value of the anchor of foo was changed to 4"
foo.anchor.x = 4;
All of the documetation is on the OCS website.
Included with the Github Repo:
- index.js: the library that is added with npm
- scrybe.js: index.js with scrybe documentation included
- performance.js: index.js with all of the error checking and logging removed
- The full API documentation