Observable implementation for js literals. API mirrors jQuery's event API.
An Observable implementation for javascript literals. The API style is leaned on the jQuery Event API.
npm install observe-literal
yarn install observe-literal
- import
import Observable from "observe-literal"
- create:
const obs = new Observable("initial-value")
What you get:
About the Observable: ...
// fields
initialValue: any, // the initial value you passed in the constructor.
isInInitialState: boolean, // whether the value has been changed or not.
// methods
update: function, // a method to override the value. you can use the setter aswell o.value = "new-value"
add: function, // a method to add information to the value. internally decides about the action depending on the type of the initial value.
remove: function, // add in reverse.
on: function, // a method to add event listeners.
off: function, // a method to remove event listeners.
reset: function, // a method to reset the value to its initial state.
clearCallbacks: function, // a method to clear all callbacks.
- add event listener
Available Events: before-update, update, after-update, add, remove, reset
// before the observable value gets update you can do something with its old value
obs.on("before-update", (oldValue) => doSomething(oldValue))
// if you listen to update you get your callback executed with the newest value
// everytime there is an update.
obs.on("update", (newValue) => doSomething(newValue))
// you can listen to the reset of the observable, to maybe reset the view.
obs.on("reset", () => doSomething())
obs.on("add", (addedValue) => addSomething(addedValue))
obs.on("remove", (removedValue) => removeSomething(removedValue))
// you can listen on multiple events at once
obs.on(["update", "add", "remove"], someMethod)
- remove event listener (caution needs rework, not quite sure about the api)
// remove a single listener from a single event
obs.off("update", theListener)
// remove a single listener from all events
// remove all update listeners
// remove all listeners at once
- example usage of isInInitialState
// file: model.js
export default {
subject: Observe({})
// file: presenter.js
import model from "./model"
export function activate(data: any){
export function deactivate(){
export function isActive(){
return !model.subject.isInInitialState
Usage Example:
Definition of a model module with observable values (follows)
import Observable from "observe-literal"
export default {
foo: Observe({})