Send HTTP requests (POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE) to JSON REST Web services or other Web servers. Responses are packaged as RxJS Observables.
Send HTTP requests to JSON REST Web services; receive responses as RxJS Observables.
This package can send HTTP requests of type POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE; these types correspond to the CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) of a REST Web service. Any data sent is JSON, and attempts are made to parse any data received as JSON.
This package's API is:
request(httpMethod, urlString, requestData, verbose = false)
post(urlString, requestData, verbose = false)
get(urlString, verbose = false)
put(urlString, requestData, verbose = false)
delete(urlString, verbose = false)
post(), get(), put(), and delete() are merely convenience functions that call request() with a specific httpMethod.
Each function returns an RxJS Observable that yields an object with the following fields:
- statusCode : The HTTP status code from the response from the server
- statusMessage : The HTTP status message from the response from the server
- rawResponseBody : The raw body from the response from the server
- jsonResponseBody : The body from the response from the server after it has been parsed as JSON. This field is only present if the response body was successfully parsed as JSON.
- jsonParseError : The error, if any, that was encountered during the parsing of the response body as JSON.
Example 1: POST:
const engine = require('observable-json-rest-api-client');
const postData = {
field1: 'abc',
field2: 123
engine.post('https://httpbin.org/post', postData).subscribe(
result => {
console.log('POST: Result:', result);
console.log('POST: Response body as JSON:', result.jsonResponseBody);
console.log('POST: Posted data:', result.jsonResponseBody.data);
error => {
console.error('POST: Error:', error);
() => {
console.log('POST: Done.');
Example 2: GET:
const engine = require('observable-json-rest-api-client');
result => {
console.log('GET: result:', result);
console.log(`GET: HTTP response status: ${result.statusCode} ${result.statusMessage}`);
console.log('GET: Response body as JSON:', result.jsonResponseBody);
console.log('GET: UUID:', result.jsonResponseBody.uuid);
console.log('GET: typeof UUID:', typeof result.jsonResponseBody.uuid);
error => {
console.error('GET: Error:', error);
() => {
console.log('GET: Done.');