ObjectionJs Relationship facade to make relationship mapper more easier
🚀 Relation maker for Objection.js
This plugin provide a way to create relationship objects between Objection.js models.
For more documentation, you can view the Github page of this repository.
npm i objectionjs-relationship --save
yarn add objectionjs-relationship
Basic Use
import {
} from "objectionjs-relationship";
class Animal extends Model {
static tableName = "animals";
class Person extends Model {
static tableName = "persons";
/** Example 1: */
static relationMappings = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
/** Example 2: Or you can use the add function, sending the relation type */
static relationMappings = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
.add(Animal, RelationshipEnum.BelongsToOneRelation)
// Result:
// static relationMappings: {
// animal: {
// relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
// modelClass: Animal,
// join: {
// from: 'persons.animalId',
// to: 'animals.id'
// }
// }
// }
Chaining Relationships
// Thoses Models are example models like Person or Animal.
/** Example 1 */
const relation = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
/** Example 2 */
const relationWithAddFunction = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
.add(Country, RelationshipEnum.BelongsToOneRelation)
.add(Animal, RelationshipEnum.HasManyRelation)
.add(Contact, RelationshipEnum.HasOneRelation)
.add(Activity, RelationshipEnum.ManyToManyRelation)
.add(Vehicle, RelationshipEnum.HasOneThroughRelation)
// Output:
// {
// country: {
// relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
// modelClass: Country,
// join: {
// from: 'persons.countryId',
// to: 'countries.id'
// }
// },
// animals: {
// relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
// modelClass: Animal,
// join: {
// from: 'persons.id',
// to: 'animals.personId'
// }
// },
// contact: {
// relation: Model.HasOneRelation,
// modelClass: Contact,
// join: {
// from: 'persons.id',
// to: 'contacts.personId'
// }
// },
// activities: {
// relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
// modelClass: Activity,
// join: {
// from: 'persons.id',
// through: {
// from: 'activities_persons.personId',
// to: 'activities_persons.activityId'
// },
// to: 'activities.id'
// }
// },
// vehicle: {
// relation: Model.HasOneThroughRelation,
// modelClass: Vehicle,
// join: {
// from: 'persons.id',
// through: {
// from: 'persons_vehicles.personId',
// to: 'persons_vehicles.vehicleId'
// },
// to: 'vehicles.id'
// }
// }
// };
IObjectionModelRelationshipAddConfig: This interface are the option that you can send to the add function and override the relation fields.
These options can be provided when instantiating the plugin.
Example 1
import { ModelRelationshipFacade } from "objectionjs-relationship";
class Animal extends Model {
static tableName = "pets";
class Person extends Model {
static tableName = "owners";
static relationMappings = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
.belongsToOne(Animal, {
relationName: "pet",
fromField: "petId",
fromTable: "owners",
toField: "superId",
toTable: "pets",
// Result:
// static relationMappings: {
// pet: {
// relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
// modelClass: Animal,
// join: {
// from: 'owners.petId',
// to: 'pets.superId'
// }
// }
// }
Example 2
import { ModelRelationshipFacade } from "objectionjs-relationship";
class Animal extends Model {
static tableName = "pets";
class Person extends Model {
static tableName = "owners";
static relationMappings = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
.belongsToOne(Animal, {
relationName: "pet",
from: "owners.petId",
to: "pets.superId",
// Result:
// static relationMappings: {
// pet: {
// relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
// modelClass: Animal,
// join: {
// from: 'owners.petId',
// to: 'pets.superId'
// }
// }
// }
The same can be done with through relationship. Read the IObjectionModelRelationshipAddConfig interface.
Debugger helper
You can send a options object to the getRelationships, witch one of the props is log
This was created for the purpose of testing. Log param can be a boolean or a function that will get an IObjectionModelRelationship as a parameter to do whatever the function wants to do with the data, like print with a custom logger or something.
import {
} from "objectionjs-relationship";
class Animal extends Model {
static tableName = "animals";
class Person extends Model {
static tableName = "persons";
/** Example with default logger */
static relationMappings = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
log: true,
/** Example with custom log strategy */
static relationMappings = new ModelRelationshipFacade(Person)
log: (relations: IObjectionModelRelationship<Animal>) => {
// You can same logger or wathever you want
The terminal will show (console.log as default):
animal: {
relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
modelClass: Animal,
join: {
from: 'animals.personId',
to: 'persons.id'
Run the tests from the root directory:
npm test
Contributing & Development
Found a bug or want to suggest something? Take a look first on the current and closed issues. If it is something new, please submit an issue.
It will be awesome if you can help us evolve objectionjs-relationship
. Want to help?
npm install
.Hack away.
Run the tests:
npm test
.Create a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details