adds sync and auto table-names functionality to objection js
Objection Mixin (OMX)
Objection Mixin adds:
- auto pluralization of tablename
- sync
- getById
- getByKey
functionality to your classes, while automatically setting your class tablenames and timestamps (to an ISOString).
Getting Started
Below is an example to help you get started.
const knexfile = require('./knexfile').development
const knex = require('knex')(knexfile)
const OM = require('objection-mixin')
const { Model } = require('objection')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
const BCRYPT_ROUNDS = 12
class BaseModel extends OM(Model) {
// add your base model code here ...
$formatJson(json) {
json = super.$formatJson(json)
delete json.user_id
delete json.password
return json
class User extends BaseModel {
// example of extending your model with bycript package
async verifyPassword(password){
return await bcrypt.compare(password, this.password)
async $beforeInsert(context){
await super.$beforeInsert(context)
if(this.password) this.password = await bcrypt
.hash(this.password, BCRYPT_ROUNDS)
async $beforeUpdate(context){
await super.$beforeInsert(context)
if(this.password) this.password = await bcrypt
.hash(this.password, BCRYPT_ROUNDS)
API Documentation
The sycn method can only be called on an instance where a ManyToManyRelation has been defined. This method takes three arguments. The first two are required, and the last one is optional. e.g.
instance.$sync('relation_name', [1,2,3,4, ..., n], 'id_field_name')
The getById is an asynchronous class method, that takes in one argument and returns an object if a match was found else null. e.g.
The getByKey method can only be called on the class. It returns an object if a match was found else null. e.g.
class.getByKey('field_name', 'field_value')