Re-create deep level changed objects in memory while keeping the same reference for unchanged objects
This library compares inputs deeply and creates new memory references when a value or its children inside the input change, but makes sure not to create new memory references where unnecessary.
It works by comparing 2 inputs - the new altered object/array and a previous cloned snapshot.
import { deepRecreate } from "object-deep-recreate";
const snapshot = [{ id: 1, name: 'Post1' }, { id: 2, name: 'Post2' }]
const posts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(snapshot))
posts[0].name = 'New name'
const result = deepRecreate(posts, snapshot);
expect(result[0] === posts[0]).toBe(false); // first post is changed inside, new memory reference
expect(result[1] === posts[1]).toBe(true); // second post stayed untouched, original memory reference
More test cases can be found below, or in the __tests__
let oldValue = {
posts: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Post 1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Post 2' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Post 3' }
likes: [{ id: 1, count: 10 }]
const newValue = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldValue));
const result1 = deepRecreate(newValue, oldValue);
expect(result1 === newValue).toBe(true); // the result object is unchanged
// remove the last post
newValue.posts.splice(2, 1);
const result2 = deepRecreate(newValue, oldValue)
expect(result2).toEqual(newValue); // the data has the same format
expect(result2 === newValue).toBe(false); // the result object is re-created due to deep change
expect(result2.likes === newValue.likes).toBe(true); // likes array is unchanged
expect(result2.posts === newValue.posts).toBe(false); // posts array is re-created
// however the first and second post remained the same
expect(result2.posts[0] === newValue.posts[0]).toBe(true); // post 1 is unchanged
expect(result2.posts[1] === newValue.posts[1]).toBe(true); // post 2 is unchanged
// changing an object inside the array but keeping the array's length
oldValue = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newValue)); // create new snapshot before modifying the memory value
newValue.posts[0].name = 'New name'; // rename first post
const result3 = deepRecreate(newValue, oldValue)
// changing only the first post
expect(result3 === newValue).toBe(false); // result object is is re-created due to deep change
expect(result3.posts === newValue.posts).toBe(false); // posts array is re-created
expect(result3.likes === newValue.likes).toBe(true); // likes array is unchanged
expect(result3.posts[0] === newValue.posts[0]).toBe(false); // first post is re-created
expect(result3.posts[0].name).toEqual('New name');
expect(result3.posts[1] === newValue.posts[1]).toBe(true); // second post is unchanged