Transmute object to another one using defined rules
Transmutes ( converts ) object to another one using defined rules and config ( optional )
const ObjTransmute = require( 'obj-transmute' );
// ObjTransmute( {obj|Object}, {rules|Object}[, {config|Object}] ) => {Object}
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 'Hello world!',
other1: null
rules = {
c: 'a', // 'a' - originProp => result.c = obj.a
d: function ( d, obj, originProp, prop ) {
// context:
// this.obj = obj
// this.rules = rules
// this.config = config
// this.result - result object in current state
// arguments:
// d = obj[ originProp ] = obj.d = undefined - obj value of same property 'd'
// originProp = 'd'
// obj = this.obj
// prop = 'd'
return obj.b + this.obj.a;
e: {
from: 'a1', // originProp
default: 'Bye world!', // working only when get() returns undefined
descriptor: { enumerable: false }, // result.e will be nonenumerable
get: function ( a1, obj, originProp, prop ) {
// arguments:
// a1 = obj[ originProp ] = obj.a1 = undefined
// originProp = 'a1'
// obj = this.obj
// prop = 'e'
return a1 === undefined ? null : a1 + '!!!';
f: {
from: 'a1', // originProp
default: 'Bye world!', // value by default if obj.a1 === undefined
g: { // same as d example but on undefined returns default value
default: 'default', // working only when get() returns undefined
get: function ( g, obj, originProp, prop ) { return g && g + '!!!' || undefined }
ObjTransmute( obj, rules ) => { c: 1, d: 'Hello world!1', e: null, f: 'Bye world!', g: 'default' }
/* ------------ Using config ------------- */
var config = {
otherProps: true,
descriptor: { enumerable: false } // now all options by default will be nonenumerable
ObjTransmute( obj, rules, config ) => {
b: 'Hello world!', // not defined in rules - passes through
c: 1,
d: 'Hello world!1',
e: null,
f: 'Bye world!',
g: 'default',
other1: null // not defined in rules - passes through
/* ------------ Using Default Object ------------- */
var defaultOptions = {
other1: 123
var config = {
otherProps: true,
saveOrigin: true,
// define get by default
get: function ( value, obj, originProp, prop ) { return value || defaultOptions[ prop ] }
ObjTransmute( obj, rules, config ) => {
a: 1, // origin
b: 'Hello world!', // origin
c: 1,
d: 'Hello world!1',
e: null,
f: 'Bye world!',
g: 'default',
other1: 123 // unused value but using default get() returns value from defaultOptions
/* ------------ Using Require Option ------------- */
// Require option is used when we need other property to be calculated before current property
var obj = {
a: 'Hello world',
b: 1
rules = {
c: {
require: 'd', // tells that first we need to get result.d
get: function () { return this.result.d + 1 }
d: {
require: 'e', // tells that first we need to get result.e
get: function () { return this.result.e * 2 }
e: function () { return this.obj.b + 2 },
f: {
from: 'a', // we get value from obj.a
require: [ 'c', 'e' ], // and require result.c and result.e to be already calculated
get: function ( a ) { return a + ( this.result.c + this.result.e ) }
ObjTransmute( obj, rules, config ) => {
c: 7,
d: 6,
e: 3,
f: 'Hello world10'