A simple function to merge methods and property getters/setters into prototypes.
objMix is a simple utility that lets you merge methods, simple properties, and property descriptors into an object.
I've embraced JavaScript's prototypal nature and hate high-level class systems that try to turn JavaScript into something it is not. However I do like to simplify setting methods and properties onto a prototype. Up to now I've simply been using lodash's _.merge
to do this. However I've recently been using getters in some node based projects. And while I can define these with Object.defineProperties
it separates the definition of related properties and methods from each other.
objMix is a solution to that problem, call it with a base object such as a prototype and another object. objMix will merge functions and simple properties from the other object into that base object and use Object.defineProperty
for anything that looks like a property descriptor.
var objMix = require('obj-mix');
function Foo() {
// This is Foo
objMix(Foo.prototype, {
bar: function() {
return "This is a method.";
baz: "This is a property.",
qux: {
get: function() {
return "This is a property with a getter.";
var foo = new Foo();
console.log(foo.bar()); // "This is a method.";
console.log(foo.baz); // "This is a property.";
console.log(foo.qux); // "This is a property with a getter.";