object based gui
Object Based Graphical User Interface
A port of fbui that uses objects and classes instead of functions
to use:
or download main.js, put it on your site and
or run npm install obgui then in the head put
to initialize an element, run: elementName = new Element(type,content,id) type is the element type, like p, a, div, or span content is the innerHTML of the element after creation id the the id of the element
after this is run, nothing happens. you need to run one of the four create commands:
elementName.draw() takes no arguments. simply draws to the screen
elementName.rectangle(width,height,color) width is the width of the rectangle height is the height of the rectangle color is the color of the rectangle
elementName.circle(width,height,color) same as rectangle but round
elementName.triangle(base,height,color,side) base is the length of the base of the triangle height is the height color is the color side is what way the base is facing. you can put in "left", "right", "top", "bottom", or nothing. nothing will autofill to bottom. it needs to be a string
other commands:
elementName.edit(newContent,editType) newContent is the content to replace the old content editType decides wether to edit inner or outer HTML. elementName.edit("new text", "inner") will replace the text. elementName.edit("", "outer") will change the element to be a div
ALSO IMPORTANT! To acually use the commands on YOUR website you need to put them in a setTimout. To do that, do setTimeout(function() {code here}, 1)