The world's smallest, fastest, and most secure OAuth3 (and OAuth2) JavaScript implementation.
| oauth3.js | issuer.html | issuer.rest.walnut.js | issuer.srv | Sponsored by ppl
The world's smallest, fastest, and most secure OAuth3 (and OAuth2) JavaScript implementation (Yes! works in browsers and node.js with no extra dependencies or bloat and no hacks!)
Instead of bloating your webapp and ruining the mobile experience, you can use a single, small javascript file for all OAuth3 providers (and almost all OAuth2 providers) with a seamless experience.
Also, instead of complicated (or worse - insecure) CLI and Desktop login methods, you can easily integrate an OAuth3 flow (or broker) into any node.js app (i.e. Electron, Node-Webkit) with 0 pain.
If you have no idea what you're doing
(people who know what they're doing should skip ahead to the tl;dr instructions)
- Create a folder for your project named after your app, such as
- Inside of the folder
a folder calledassets/
- Inside of the folder
a folder calledoauth3.org/
- Download oauth3.js-v1.zip
- Double-click to unzip the folder.
- Copy the file
into the folderexample.com/assets/oauth3.org/
- Copy the folder
into the folderexample.com/
- Add
<script src="assets/oauth3.org/oauth3.core.js"></script>
to yourindex.html
- Add
<script src="app.js"></script>
to yourindex.html
- Create files in
and put this in it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input type="url" placeholder="ex: https://oauth3.org" class="js-provider-uri">
<button type="button" class="js-login">Login</button>
<button type="button" class="js-logout">Logout</button>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.js"
<script src="assets/oauth3.org/oauth3.core.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
var OAUTH3 = window.OAUTH3;
var auth = OAUTH3.create(window.location); // use window.location to set Client URI (your app's id)
// this is any OAuth3-compatible provider, such as oauth3.org
// in v1.1.0 we'll add backwards compatibility for facebook.com, google.com, etc
function onChangeProvider(_providerUri) {
// example https://oauth3.org
return oauth3.setIdentityProvider(providerUri);
// This opens up the login window for the specified provider
function onClickLogin() {
return oauth3.authenticate().then(function (session) {
console.info('Authentication was Successful:');
// You can use the PPID (or preferably a hash of it) as the login for your app
// (it securely functions as both username and password which is known only by your app)
// If you use a hash of it as an ID, you can also use the PPID itself as a decryption key
console.info('Secure PPID (aka subject):', session.token.sub);
return oauth3.request({
url: 'https://oauth3.org/api/[email protected]/inspect'
, session: session
}).then(function (resp) {
console.info("Inspect Token:");
}, function (err) {
console.error('Authentication Failed:');
// This opens up the logout window
function onClickLogout() {
return oauth3.logout().then(function () {
console.info('Logout was Successful');
}, function (err) {
console.error('Logout Failed:');
// initialize the provider to be oauth3.org (or any compatible provider)
$('body').on('click', '.js-login', onClickLogin);
$('body').on('click', '.js-logout', onClickLogout);
$('body').on('change', 'input.js-provider-uri', onChangeProvider);
Copy the example.com/
folder to your webserver.
If you had a simple website / webapp for example.com
with only the most necessary files,
it might look like this:
├── _apis
│ └── oauth3.org
│ ├── callback.html
│ ├── directives.json
│ └── index.html
├── assets
│ └── oauth3.org
│ └── oauth3.core.js
├── css
│ └── main.css
├── index.html
└── js
└── app.js
Installation (if you know what you're doing)
Advanced Installation with git
# Navigate to your web site or web app
pushd /path/to/your/web/app
# clone the project as assets/oauth3.org
mkdir -p assets
git clone [email protected]:OAuth3/oauth3.js.git assets/oauth3.org
pushd assets/oauth3.org
git checkout v1
# symlink `_apis/oauth3.org` to `assets/oauth3.org/_apis/oauth3.org`
mkdir -p _apis
ln -sf ../assets/oauth3.org/_apis/oauth3 _apis/oauth3.org
Advanced Installation with bower
# Install to bower_components
bower install oauth3
# create a `_apis` folder and an `assets` folder
mkdir -p _apis assets
# symlink `_apis/oauth3.org` to `bower_components/oauth3.org/_apis/oauth3.org`
ln -sf ../bower_components/oauth3.org/_apis/oauth3.org _apis/oauth3.org
# symlink `assets/oauth3.org` to `bower_components/oauth3.org`
ln -sf ../bower_components/oauth3.org/_apis/oauth3.org _apis/oauth3.org
ln -sf ../bower_components/oauth3.org assets/oauth3.org
Update your HTML to include the the following script tag:
<script src="assets/oauth3.org/oauth3.core.js"></script>
You can create a very simple demo application like this:
var providerUri;
var opts = { client_uri: OAUTH3.utils.clientUri(window.location) };
// this is any OAuth3-compatible provider, such as oauth3.org
// in v1.1.0 we'll add backwards compatibility for facebook.com, google.com, etc
function onChangeProvider(_providerUri) {
providerUri = _providerUri;
return OAUTH3.discover(providerUri, opts); // just to cache
// This opens up the login window for the specified provider
function onClickLogin() {
return OAUTH3.implicitGrant(providerUri, opts).then(function (session) {
console.info('Authentication was Successful:');
// You can use the PPID (or preferably a hash of it) as the login for your app
// (it securely functions as both username and password which is known only by your app)
// If you use a hash of it as an ID, you can also use the PPID itself as a decryption key
console.info('Secure PPID (aka subject):', session.token.sub);
return OAUTH3.request({
url: 'https://oauth3.org/api/[email protected]/inspect_token'
, session: session
}).then(function (resp) {
console.info("Inspect Token:");
}, function (err) {
console.error('Authentication Failed:');
// initialize the provider to be oauth3.org (or any compatible provider)
A user's e-mail can be passed into the clientParams object as clientParams.subject
To auto-populate the e-mail input of the login popup, make sure the input has the class js-oauth3-email
if (clientParams.subject) {
$('.js-authn-show').prop('disabled', false);
Compatibility with Frameworks and Libraries
You're all set. Nothing else is needed.
Angular 1:
We've created an Oauth3
service just for you:
<script src="assets/oauth3.org/oauth3.ng.js"></script>
// Require the module as 'oauth3.org'
var app = angular.module('myAppName', [ 'ui.router', 'oauth3.org' ]);
// Require services and other submodules in the form {modulename}@oauth3.org
app.controller('authCtrl', [ '$scope', '[email protected]', function ($scope, Oauth3) { /* ... */ } ]);
// For backwards compatibility with older angular applications that rely on string-name introspection
// you can also use the camel case version of the names in the format {Modulename}Oauth3
app.controller('authCtrl', function ($scope, AzpOauth3) { /* ... */ });
You can include that in addition to the standard file or,
if you don't want an extra request, just paste it into your app.js
Simple API
We include a small wrapper function of just a few lines in the bottom of oauth3.core.js
which exposes a create
method to make using the underlying library require typing fewer keystrokes.
oauth3 = OAUTH3.create(location); // takes a location object, such as window.location
// to create the Client URI (your app's id)
// and save it to an internal state
promise = oauth3.init(opts); // set and fetch your own site/app's configuration details
// promises your site's config // opts = { location, session, issuer, audience }
promise = oauth3.setIdentityProvider(url); // changes the Identity Provider URI (the site you're logging into),
// promises the provider's config // gets the config for that site (from their _apis/oauth3.org),
// and caches it in internal state as the default
promise = oauth3.setResourceProvider(url); // changes the Resource Provider URI (the site you're getting stuff from)
promise = oauth3.setProvider(url); // changes the both Identity and Resource Provider URI together
promise = oauth3.authenticate(); // opens login window for the provider and returns a session
// (must be called after the setIdentityProvider promise has completed)
promise = oauth3.authorize(permissions); // authenticates (if not authenticated) and opens a window to
// authorize a particular scope (contacts, photos, whatever)
promise = oauth3.request({ url, method, data }); // make an (authorized) arbitrary request to an audience's resource
// (contacts, photos, whatever)
promise = oauth3.api(apiname, opts); // make an (authorized) well-known api call to an audience
// Ex: oauth3.api('dns.list', { sld: 'example', tld: 'com' });
api = await oauth3.package(audience, schemaname); // make an (authorized) well-known api call to an audience
// Ex: api = await oauth3.package('domains.example.com', '[email protected]');
// api.list({ sld: 'mydomain', tld: 'com' });
promise = oauth3.logout(); // opens logout window for the provider
oauth3.session(); // returns the current session, if any
OAUTH3.clientUri(window.location); // produces the default `client_uri` of your app (also used as `client_id`)
OAUTH3.discover(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri }); // Promises the config file for the provider and caches it in memory.
OAUTH3.implicitGrant(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri }) // returns a `session` with `session.token.sub` as the secure ppid.
// debug: true - will cause the windows to not refresh automatically
// windowType: 'popup' - will use a popup window to ask user for new permissions, if any
// windowType: 'background' - will automatically log the user in (if all permissions have been accepted)
OAUTH3.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: '', data: '' }) // make an authenticated request to a resource
OAUTH3.logout(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri, session: session }) // opens a popup to confirm logout from the provider
// Note: you should probably clear your own storage (i.e. localStorage, indexedDb) whenever you call this
.discover(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri }) // generates a correctly parameterized url
.implicitGrant(directives, { client_id: clientUri }) // generates a correctly parameterized url
.refreshToken(directives, opts) // generates a correctly parameterized url
// opts.client_id = clientUri
// opts.access_token = <jwt>
// opts.refresh_token = <jwt>
Core API (staging)
These APIs are NOT yet public, stable APIs, but they are good to be aware of and may help with debugging.
DO NOT rely on them. Many of them WILL change (we just wanted to publish with things as they are).
Public utilities for browser and node.js:
.decode('<urlSafeBase64-encoded-json-web-token>'); // { iat, iss, aud, sub, exp, ttl }
.query.stringify({ access_token: '...', debug: true }); // access_token=...&debug=true
.scope.stringify([ 'profile', 'contacts' ]); // 'profile,contacts'
.uri.normalize('https://oauth3.org/connect/'); // 'oauth3.org/connect'
.url.normalize('oauth3.org/connect/'); // 'https://oauth3.org/connect'
.url.resolve('oauth3.org/connect/', '/api/'); // 'https://oauth3.org/connect/api'
Issuer API (staging)
These additional methods are
.query.parse('#/?foo=bar&baz=qux'); // { access_token: '...', debug: 'true' }
.scope.parse('profile,contacts'); // [ 'profile', 'contacts' ]
.url.redirect(clientParams, grants, tokenOrError); // securely redirect to client (or give security or other error)
Internal API
This APIs will absolutely change before they are made public
(at the very least the leading _
will be removed)
.freshness(tokenMeta, staletimeSeconds, _now); // returns 'fresh', 'stale', or 'expired' (by seconds before expiry / ttl)
.url._normalizePath('oauth3.org/connect/'); // 'oauth3.org/connect'
.randomState(); // a 128-bit crypto-random string
._insecureRandomState(); // a fallback for randomState() in old browsers
._base64.atob('<non-urlsafe-base64-string>'); // '<binary-string>' (typically json ascii)
._base64.decodeUrlSafe(b64); // makes base64 safe for window.atob and then calls atob
OAUTH3._browser // a collection of things a browser needs to perform requests
- v1.0 - "implicit grant" authorization with examples
- popup
- iframe
- documentation
- v1.1 - cleanup
- in-flow discovery
- smallest possible size
- inline windowing (non-promisable callback)
- async set/get
- logout
- v1.2 - features
- "authorization code" flow
- "broker" flow
- v1.3 - features
- remove grants
URL generation:
See https://danielmiessler.com/study/url-uri/#gs.=MngfAk
Since we do not require the protocol
to be specified, it is a URI
However, we do have a problem of disambiguation since a URI may look like a path
- https://example.com/api/[email protected]
- example.com/api/[email protected]/ (not unique)
- /api/[email protected]
- api/[email protected] (not unique)
Therefore anywhere a URI or a Path could be used, the URI must be a URL. We eliminate #2.
As a general rule I don't like rules that sometimes apply and sometimes don't, so I may need to rethink this. However, there are cases where including the protocol can be very ugly and confusing and we definitely need to allow relative paths.
A potential work-around would be to assume all paths are relative (eliminate #4 instead) and have the path always key off of the base URL - if oauth3 directives are to be found at https://example.com/username/_apis/oauth3.org/index.json then /api/whatever would refer to https://example.com/username/api/whatever.