Single-Page Application Authorization Client for the OAuth 2.0 PKCE flow
OAuth 2.0 | Single-Page Applications | Authorization Client
A JS-SDK for gaining access to applications and API's implementing OAuth 2.0 within Single-Page Applications (inspired by Auth0). The client obtains access tokens by using the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) authorization flow for public clients.
Getting Started
Using npm in your project directory run the following command:
npm install oauth-spa-js
Integrate authentication into your application
Create the client and have it globally accessible in your application (verify authorization- and token endpoint urls with your authentication provider):
const client: OAuthClient = createOAuthClient({
client_id: PUBLIC_APP_ID,
scopes: ["user.read", "user.write"],
resource: ["https://graph.microsoft.com/"],
authorization_endpoint: `${SERVER_URL}/authorize`,
token_endpoint: `${SERVER_URL}/token`,
logout_endpoint: `${SERVER_URL}/logout`,
revoke_endpoint: `${SERVER_URL}/revoke`,
introspect_endpoint: `${SERVER_URL}/introspect`,
userinfo_endpoint: USERINFO_ENDPOINT,
Redirect the user to the authorization provider page:
const redirect_uri = `${window.location.origin}/oauth/callback`
const state = window.location.href
await client.loginWithRedirect({ redirect_uri, state })
Create a callback directory which will handle the callback from the authorization page:
// https://example.com/oauth/callback
const { origin, pathname } = window.location
const redirect_uri = `${origin}${pathname}`
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const state = searchParams.get("state")
try {
await client.handleRedirectCallback({ redirect_uri })
} catch(e) {
// Handle error
window.location.href = state ?? "/"
And get the access token from the client (the token is automatically refreshed by the method if expired):
try {
const access_token = await client.getAccessToken()
} catch(e) {
// Handle refresh access token error
Subscribe to the authorization state of the client:
client.subscribe(async token => {
is_authorized = client.isAuthorized()
access_token = token
userinfo = await client.getUserInfo()
Check out the oauth-spa-js Github repository for a simple example developed in SvelteKit.