Angular4 Library for Firebase Authentication
o2-auth-fs Angular4 tool to authenticate users by Firebase through email, Google, Facebook, GitHub and Twitter login
o2-auth-fs is a tool library for authenticating users by Firebase service by Angular4.
Video Explanation https://youtu.be/
o2-auth-fs is a tool for using Firebase authentication service by using Angular4
Main functions
- Signup (using Firebase authentication service)
- Login
- GitHub
- Logout
- Node.js
- TypeScript2
- Angular4
- Firebase
- bootstrap
- font-awesome
To install this library, run:
$ npm install o2-auth-fs --save
Step by Step Installation for Angular-CLI
Install Angular-CLI
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
Create New Project
$ ng new demo-project (Your project name)
$ cd demo-project
Check Your Program
If you start local server as follows, you can get the first page in your browser by accessing http://localhost:4200.
$ ng serve
- First Page
Stop Local Server
Input Ctrl+C and y+Return to stop the local server.
Install o2-auth-fs
$ npm install o2-auth-fs --save
Install firebase
$ npm install firebase --save
Install bootstrap
$ npm install bootstrap --save
Modify .angular-cli.json
You will find .angular-cli.json in the project root directory. Add bootstrap.min.css as follows.
"apps": [
"styles": [
// Add Start --------------------------------------------
// Add End --------------------------------------------
Get Firebase config data
Of course you need to have Firebase account and your own project. If you don't have the account, visit the following page in advance and make your own project.
You need to get Firebase config data from your own project page. This url is as follows.
You need the following parameters
- apiKey
- authDomain
- databaseURL
- projectId
- storageBucket
- messagingSenderId
In "Overview" page, click Web Application icon.
Then those parameters above will be shown. Copy them.
Modify environment.ts
Change directory to "src/app/environments".
$ cd src/app/environments
You will find environment.ts and environment.prod.ts. Modify these files as follows. In firebaseConfig, paste the data above.
export const environment = {
production: true,
// Add Start --------------------------------------------
firebase: {
apiKey: '"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
authDomain: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.firebaseapp.com',
databaseURL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.firebaseio.com',
projectId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
storageBucket: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx.appspot.com',
messagingSenderId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
// Add End --------------------------------------------
Modify app.module.ts
Change directory to "src/app".
$ cd src/app
You will find app.module.ts. Modify this file as follows. AppRoutingModule and CoreModule will be made later.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
// Add Start --------------------------------------------
import { O2AuthFsModule } from 'o2-auth-fs';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module';
// Add End --------------------------------------------
declarations: [
imports: [
// Add Start --------------------------------------------
// Add End --------------------------------------------
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Modify app.component.ts
In the same directory, you will find app.component.ts . In this file, modify as follows.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
// Add Start --------------------------------------------
import { environment } from './../environments/environment';
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
// Add End --------------------------------------------
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'app-root';
// Add Start --------------------------------------------
loadedFeature = 'home';
ngOnInit() {
onNavigate(feature: string) {
this.loadedFeature = feature;
// Add End --------------------------------------------
Add app-routing.module.ts
You had better independent modules for future. So add app.routing.module.ts in the project root directory. You need add flat option as follows.
$ ng generate module app-routing --flat
Add Core Module
You maybe need home page and header. They had better be included in core module which is almost always resided. At first you need add core module as foloows.
$ ng generate module core
Add Header Component
Next add header component in core module as folows.
$ ng generate component core/header
Add Home Component
Next add home component in core module as folows.
$ ng generate component core/home
- o2-auth-fs : 0.1.3
- Angular : 4.2.4
- TypeScript : 2.3.3
- @angular/cli : 1.3.2
- bootstrap : 3.3.7
- firebase : 4.4.0
- font-awesome : 4.7.0
"Firebase Authentication", Google, https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/?hl=en
"Create a Full Angular Authentication System with Firebase",2017/1/16, by Gary Simon https://coursetro.com/posts/code/32/Create-a-Full-Angular-Authentication-System-with-Firebase
"Angular 4 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide",by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, udemy, https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-guide-to-angular-2/learn/v4/content
"The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced",by Mosh Hamedani, udemy, https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-angular-master-class/learn/v4/content
"Build Enterprise Applications with Angular 2 (and Angular 4)",by Mosh Hamedani, udemy, https://www.udemy.com/angular2-advanced/learn/v4/content
"Learn Angular 4 from Scratch",by Gary Simon, udemy, https://www.udemy.com/learn-angular-from-scratch/learn/v4/content
Change Log
- 2017.10.2 version 0.1 uploaded
copyright 2017 by Shuichi Ohtsu (DigiPub Japan)
MIT © Shuichi Ohtsu