An Nx executor for the uvu test runner
An Nx executor for the uvu test runner!
Just your standard install.
npm i -D nx-uvu
pnpm i -D nx-uvu
yarn add --dev nx-uvu
Set your executor to nx-uvu:uvu
like so:
"project": {
"root": "path/to/project",
"type": "type",
"sourceRoot": "path/to/project/src",
"targets": {
"test": {
"executor": "nx-uvu:uvu",
"options": {
"rootDir": "./packages/styler/test",
"coverage": true,
"coverageConfig": "./packages/styler/.c8rc",
"useSwc": true
And now nx run test project
will use the uvu
There's some configuration options you can make use of with this executor to help really boost your tests speeds.
| Option | Type | Default | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| rootDir | string | null | true | The root directory to run the uvu command from. |
| pattern | string | "(test|spec)\.(j|t)s" | false | The test pattern to pass to the uvu CLI |
| coverage | boolean | false | false | Whether or not c8 should be used to collect coverage. Keep this false if you'd rather use nyc
or your own coverage collector |
| coverageConfig | string | null | false | The path to the c8 config file |
| typescript | boolean | true | false | If you'd like to use typescript files for your tests. This will automatically use ts-node
| useSwc | boolean | false | false | Use SWC instead of ts-node and tsconfig-paths |
| tsconfigPaths | boolean | true | false | If tsconfig-paths should be registered. THis will only be registered if "typescript" is true
and "useSwc" is false
| [] | false | Any other arguments you want to pass to the -r
hook |
| color | boolean | true | false | If colors should be used with the test output |
Contributing and Contacting
If I left something out, or we can make this better somehow, open an issue or a pull request! I'll be happy to take a look and see what we can do.