A micro framework for working with queue services.
a New method for Working with Queues
npm install nwq
The Situation
I have a pipeline, it's not currently very complicated but it is:
- Validating Input
- Loading things from a database
- Mutating database objects.
- Contacting multiple remote systems over HTTP(S) but using client libraries to do that.
- Saving the results to the database
The Problem
Currently the solution is moddeled on (caolan/async)[https://github.com/caolan/async] and is not too onerous but I found that:
- Adding logging to track where all the errors could occur was quite onerous and had quite an obtrusive inpact upon the code.
- The capability of branching is limited and again has a negative impact on code quality.
- Not easy to replay data.
The Aims
My aims where as follows:
- Model each stage of the pipeline as a simple function.
- Get a log for the path that every message went through the pipeline.
- If errors occur it should exit pipeline and do sufficient logging of the error.
- Write little or no logging code for either path through the pipeline or error tracking.
Create an Exchange:
var sqs = new AWS.SQS({region: "eu-west-1"});
var exchange = new SQSExchange(sqs);
Register a function to move messages from somewhere, to somewhere else:
var adv = new Advancer(exchange);
// Check the spelling of an individual word in the dicitonary
function checkWord(word) {
return fetch('http://some-restful-dictionary.com/word/car')
.then(function(response) {
return (response.status == 200);
{ "success": ["pick-prominent-words"] },
function({haiku}) {
function checkSpellingResults(wordsSpeltCorrect) {
// Once we have all the results, check there are no incorrect
// spelt words (we should ideally have an array of true).
// The result of this is that the message will be placed into
// the "pick_prominent_words" queue as it is defined as the
// success condition above.
if (wordsSpeltCorrect.indexOf(false) === -1) {
return {
resolution: 'success',
payload: haiku
// If we have some falses, then we set a resolution to
// "spelling-error". We did not tell it where to send
// this resolution so it will go into the (and create if
// neccessary) "spellcheck/spelling-error" queue.
return {
resolution: 'spelling-error',
payload: haiku
// Break into words and send all of them for spellchecking
return Promise.all(haiku.split(/\s+/).map(checkWord))
.then(function(advResult) {
"Message " + JSON.stringify(advResult.srcMessage) + " " +
"taken from " + advResult.srcQueue +
" queue.\n\n" +
"It was processed, " +
"became " + JSON.stringify(advResult.srcMessage) + " "
"and placed in the " + advResult.dstQueues.join(", ") + " " +
Give the Queue some data:
{haiku: "Black and orange stripes\n" +
"Sneaking quietly through grass\n" +
"Claws pointy and sharp"});
It will probably be that you want to continually take messages from a queue, in which case see advancer.runForever()