Supercharged git commands
GIT Supercharged | nwe
CLI (Command Line Interface) based on git but with super powers. The goal is to group and simplify commands to make working with git & github easier and faster.
# Install command
npm i -g nwe
Detailed description
The objective of the project is to be able to facilitate the creation of projects and upload them to github in an easy way as well as simplifying the use of git and making routine tasks like doing commits and add changes much faster by grouping commands. Some current features are:
- inits a new local repos create a new github one
- Clone and clone name change
- Github clone, name change & create a new github repo automatically
- Github token auth
- branch + checkout combined
- add . commit --m "DECRIPTION" push combined
- add . commit --m "DECRIPTION" push origin [branch] combined (detecs the branch automatically)
# clone and push automatically to your github
nwe clone [url]
# init and push to github (new repo)
nwe init
# Adds all the current changes, commits with the set up description and push to the repo
nwe push [Description, no need for placing " "]
# Adds all the current changes, commits with the set up description and push to the current branch you are working on at the moment
nwe push -o [Description, no need for placing " "]
# Combines branch + checkout [branch_name]
nwe branch [branch_name]
MKDocs & JSDocs functionality
For this functionality you'll need to follow the documenation of: Edgar's Custom Material-template
And before install:
npm i jsdoc-to-markdown
# Allows to create documentation templates based on MKDocs and use JSDocs to include jsdocs comments into the MKDoc folder
nwe docs [option]
Create a new project:
You have to options to create a new project:
nwe docs -i # creates de basic template of MKDocs
nwe docs -m # Creates a custom setup based on Material MKDocs
Generate documentation
You can also automatically generate .md files from your jsdoc comments using the following command:
nwe docs -g
In order for this command to work you need to place all your source code inside a src folder located in the root folder (a new feature will allow to include files from custom folder or even from all the files inside root)
Also the command is prepared to work wiht the nwe docs -m command therefore if you are using your own config you should have the nav element of your MkDocs.yml like the following:
- Something:
- ...
# to have this src here it is important because is where nwe will add the links
- src:
- Commands: src/commands.md
- Services: src/services.md
In addition you should have a src folder inside your doc folder like this:
docs /
- … your files
- src/
- source code files will be included here
Para contribuir simplemente puedes:
- Clone the repo
- Create a branch with the name of the feature you want to add
- Pull to your branch
- Create a pull request to dev so it can be checked and merged
Contact info
You can contact me on LinkedIn
or at:
Things I want to include next
- Easily clone of several kind of Boilerplates: - Backend --> node, java, python, c# - Frontend --> vue, react, svelte, angular - Mobile --> flutter, swift, kotlin