Generate your pages statically without using payload extractors.
A helper for the generated static pages and target oriented integration of components.
Generate your static pages without using payload-extractor. Integrate your components on the page with targeted embedding and to enable the best chunk splitting.
Every not loaded resource is a good resource 🎉
⚠️ Important: nuxt-i18n and @nuxtjs/sitemap must not be included separately.
automatically includes the modules and offers full configurability via the module options.nuxt-i18n is a core component, if not used limit it to a default language.
entry to gitignore.Add
dependency to your project
yarn add nuxt-page-generator-helper # or npm install nuxt-page-generator-helper
- Add
to themodules
section ofnuxt.config.js
modules: [
['nuxt-page-generator-helper', {
debug: true,
dynamicContent: false,
adapter: require('./adapter/local-json'),
adapterOptions: {},
componentPath: '@/components/organisms',
pageExtend: '@/extends/PageBuild',
layoutCache: false,
routesCache: false,
ignoreRoutes: [
nuxtI18n: {
locales: [
code: 'en',
iso: 'en'
code: 'de',
iso: 'de'
parsePages: true,
defaultLocale: 'en',
strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
seo: false,
vueI18nLoader: false,
vueI18n: {
fallbackLocale: 'en',
messages: {
en: require('./globals/locales/en.json'),
de: require('./globals/locales/de.json')
sitemap: {
path: 'sitemap.xml',
hostname: 'http://localhost',
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 15,
gzip: false,
exclude: [],
routes: [],
defaults: {
changefreq: 'daily',
priority: 1,
lastmod: new Date(),
lastmodrealtime: true
| Property | Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
| ----------------------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| debug
| Boolean
| Debug-Mode | false
| false
| dynamicContent
| Boolean
| If set, the content is reloaded dynamically, no pages are generated. | development
=> true
=> false
| false
| adapter
| Object, String
| File path or import with functions for querying the page structure with content. | null
| true
| adapterOptions
| Object
| Adapter to retrieve the payloads. Contains the calls getRoute
, getRoutes
, getLayout
and path specification (PATH
). | null
| true
| pageExtend
| Object
| Path to the page extension that is used during generation. | nuxt-page-generator-helper/PageExtend.vue
| false
| componentPath
| String
| Component src Path. Is required for embedding specified components in a page. | @/components
| false
| componentPrefix
| String
| Prefix for component imports in generated pages.Example: Component Text
-> Component PrefixText
| prefix
| false
| asyncComponentLoad
| Boolean
| When set, components of a page are loaded asynchronously. | true
| false
| lazyHydrateEnable
| Boolean
| Components that can be reloaded can be controlled with LazyHydration.Example:With the setting maxEagerComponents: 1,
the first component is initialized at whenIdle
. All others at whenVisible
.vue-lazy-hydration | true
| false
| lazyHydrateRootMargin
| String
| Specifies when the whenVisible
event is triggered.Example:Component initialization occurs,Component is less than 80px
away from the visible area. | 80px
| false
| lazyHydrateMaxIdle
| Number
| Specifies the number of components that are initialized by LazyHydrate whenIdle
.Important: Only active if asyncComponentLoad
is set. | 1
| false
| layoutCache
| Boolean
| If active, the adapter result is stored locally for layout. | false
| false
| routesCache
| Boolean
| If active, the adapter result is stored local for routes. | false
| false
| ignoreRoutes
| Array
| List of route names, to be ignore by routes extend.Example: ['index', 'page', 'nested-page']
| null
| true
| cleanRoutes
| Boolean
| If set, all already registered routes will be removed from the list. | false
| false
| nuxtI18n
| Object
| Configuration for nuxt-i18n | | true
| sitemap
| Object
| Configuration for @nuxtjs/sitemap | | false
Build matrix of the page components generation
| Command | Generate Vue-Pages | isDev | generate | build |
| ------------- | ------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------- |
| nuxt | false
| true
| false
| true
| nuxt build | true
| false
| false
| true
| nuxt start | false
| false
| false
| false
| nuxt generate | true
| false
| true
| true
Adapter local-json
Adapter local-json
is used to work with local JSON
👁 All plugins available in context
Retrieves the data for the current route using the adapter method getRoute
Recommendation is to use Page
for the request.
Page usage example
export default {
asyncData ({ $getGeneratorRouteData }) {
return $getGeneratorRouteData()
Retrieves the data for the layout using the adapter method getLayout
Recommendation is to use Store
for the request. For development, the call can also be placed in the dev extension of the page in the fetch method.
Store usage example
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit ({ dispatch }, { $getGeneratorLayoutData }) {
dispatch('layout/setData', await $getGeneratorLayoutData())
export default {
async fetch ({ store, $getGeneratorLayoutData }) {
store.dispatch('layout/setData', await $getGeneratorLayoutData())
Gets the adapter settings.
Plugin usage example
export default (ctx) => {
ctx.$getGeneratorLayoutData = () => {
return getLayout(ctx.$getGeneratorOptions());
Coming Soon...
But you can have a look at the module example. Example Directory
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies using
yarn install
ornpm install
- Build and start with express
npm run start:generate
- Open in Browser.
or look here
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies using
yarn install
ornpm install
- Start development server using
npm run dev